At the end of 2012, the number of people participating in basic pension insurance in Qingzhen City was 53,100, an increase of 13.96% over the previous year, of which 40,200 people were in the basic pension insurance for employed workers, an increase of 13.52% over the previous year, and 12,900 people were in the basic pension insurance for retired workers, an increase of 19.77% over the previous year; the number of participants in unemployment insurance was 33,200, an increase of 8.42%; the number of basic medical insurance participants 69,200, an increase of 6.31% over the previous year; the number of participants in maternity insurance 41,500, an increase of 11.22% over the previous year's number of basic medical insurance participation; the number of participants in industrial injury insurance 38,100, an increase of 14.01% over the previous year; the number of participants in the new rural social pension insurance 15.8 million, an increase of 1.58% over the previous year; The number of participants in rural cooperative medical care was 359,600, with a participation rate of 97.62 percent.
The city's urban and rural social welfare units at all levels of adoptive **** 11, with 657 beds, 74 adopters at the end of the year; 63 towns and cities of all kinds of community service facilities; urban and rural residents enjoying the minimum subsistence guarantee amounted to 16,589, of which the number of urban minimum subsistence guarantee for 3,578, the number of rural minimum subsistence guarantee for 13,011; the state pensions and subsidies The total number of people who enjoy preferential treatment reaches 2,386. At the end of 2012, Qingzhen City has 364 health institutions, including: 14 hospitals, 9 health centers, 1 community health service center, 11 medical clinics, 32 clinics, 1 outpatient clinic, 1 health center, 1 CDC, 1 health supervision office, 1 health school, and 292 village health rooms. Health institutions 1429 beds (including hospitals, health centers), the city's health institutions **** there are 1,397 health technicians, doctors 549 (including licensed physicians and licensed physician assistants).