LDR labor and delivery room means a single room for awaiting labor, delivery, recovery and postpartum.
The LDR room is a single room for labor, delivery, recovery and postpartum. They are equipped for the full range of labor and delivery procedures except for cesarean sections and deliveries requiring general anesthesia. All single occupancy labor and delivery rooms are designed to be suitable for the entire process of labor and delivery from expectancy to postpartum and neonatal monitoring, and are capable of managing most complications, with the exception of cesarean sections.
The LDR maternity wards not only offer hotel-like services and a home-like environment, but also provide a comfortable atmosphere for mothers to receive one-stop services for perinatal health care, labor and delivery, and post-partum rehabilitation. The following are the 3 major advantages of LDR maternity wards. The LDR maternity ward is designed to allow mothers to be accompanied by their loved ones from the time they are waiting for labor to the time they are in labor to the time they are recovering from labor.
The advantages of LDR's maternity wards
To avoid the impression that traditional maternity wards are cold, LDR's maternity wards are decorated with soft lighting and fireproof wood to create a European and American home environment, and the hospital's emergency obstetrics and emergency equipment is hidden by means of murals or closets, so that mothers can feel as if they are having a physician come to their home to deliver their babies. The hospital's emergency equipment is hidden in murals or closets, making it seem as if the mother is having a specialist come to her home to deliver her baby, and relieving her nervousness during labor.
Most hospitals use a waiting room for labor and delivery, and then send the patient to the delivery room when the cervix is open. The labor and delivery room is like a surgery room. It is well-equipped with medical equipment, but it is cold and lacks the pleasant atmosphere of welcoming a new baby. It's also not humane to have to move or climb between the waiting bed and the delivery table when the mother is in labor.
Reference: Baidu Encyclopedia - ldr maternity ward