How light affects the human physiology

Light affects the human organism through the nervous system. Nerve fibers transmit light signals to the visual cortex and other parts of the brain, controlling the body's biological clock and hormones, and affecting the pituitary, pineal gland, adrenal glands, and thyroid gland. Through their interactions, they generate, reset and modulate the body's physiological and behavioral rhythms. Bright light leads to an increase in body temperature and improves our cognitive efficiency. A person's body temperature generally begins to increase at 7:00 a.m. and is at its lowest at 4:00 p.m. in the evening. A certain amount of sunlight exposure can increase red blood cells and hemoglobin, increase saliva and stomach acid, promote appetite, improve the body's immunity and resistance to disease, and play a role in strengthening the body.

Now some office buildings and schools, day and night are dominated by artificial lighting. Although these artificial lighting can meet the lighting needs of people, but because of the lack of indoor light in the full spectrum of natural light in some of the radiation, long-term people have little access to natural light, related health problems will gradually appear, it is difficult to meet the physiological needs of people.

What are the psychological effects of light on people?

Light through the role of the cerebral cortex, the human psychological activities, emotions, etc. have a direct impact. Such as ultraviolet rays, light color, color temperature, and light flicker will play a role in the human psyche, thus affecting people's physical and mental health. Prolonged under-illumination will cause visual tension, so that the body is easy to fatigue, distraction, memory loss, abstract thinking and logical thinking ability to reduce. Excessive exposure to the eyes, not only make people feel psychologically uncomfortable, but also can make people sick. Such as long after the exposure to strong sunlight, cornea will be damaged, and can cause cataracts, but also produce distraction, depression and other symptoms, while the human skin can occur black phenomenon, or make the skin red, so that people have a tingling sensation. Artificial lighting in the strong colored light will interfere with the normal activities of the brain center, disrupt the balance of the human body, causing people to be irritable, the whole body lack of knife, dizziness and so on. Light pollution in urban lighting affects people's rest and sleep. Therefore, modern society should place special emphasis on healthy lighting.

Ultraviolet radiation can be divided into which three zones according to the band? What are the effects?

In order to facilitate the study and application, we will be divided into three zones according to the wavelength of ultraviolet radiation, long-wave ultraviolet (UV-A, 315 ~ 400nm), medium-wave ultraviolet (UV-B, 280 ~ 315nm), short-wave ultraviolet (UV-C, 100 ~ 280nm). 100~280nm).

When sunlight passes through the Earth's atmosphere, short-wave UV will be blocked, and only medium- and long-wave UV can reach the Earth's surface. In recent years, with the periodic outbreaks of sunspots, and human activities such as modern industry and aerospace technology development and other destruction of the atmospheric ozone layer and pollution, the sunlight reaches the Earth's surface of the ultraviolet rays more and more, and has become one of the main factors affecting human health.

Ultraviolet radiation penetrates deep into the skin, where the quasi-melanin substances present are oxidized to form melanin, making the skin darker. If the ultraviolet radiation continues to irradiate, the continued generation of melanin will form pigmentation, which is the pigmentation effect is also known as the black spot effect. According to research, the effective waveband causing hyperpigmentation is in the UV-A waveband, with its peak value in the vicinity of 365 nm. Ultraviolet radiation UV-A can be used for light treatment of ringworm, herpes and other diseases of the skin.

After being exposed to intense ultraviolet radiation, the epidermis generates various chemical mediators that are released and diffuse into the dermis, causing localized vasodilatation, which is manifested in the form of erythema of the skin. Medical research has found that, unlike erythema formed by burns, erythema due to UV radiation disappears very slowly. Although scientists on the mechanism of erythema effect has not been fully explained, but the generation of erythema effect of the main ultraviolet wavelength has a unified understanding of the wavelength of 310nm near, that is, the red shift effect is the UV-B band ultraviolet radiation effect.

Osteoconjugate in the human body absorbs ultraviolet radiation, will synthesize vitamin D, which is very effective in the prevention and treatment of rickets and osteomalacia. This is often referred to as the health effect. Osteocortisol absorbs radiation at a wavelength of 220-320 nm, with the highest efficiency located near 280 nm. Doctors often recommend that parents take their newborns to participate in quantitative outdoor activities in the winter, sunbathing, which is very beneficial to the promotion of bone development of infants and young children. In addition, the clinical use of specialized ultraviolet light irradiation of the human body, in order to achieve health care for the purpose of health effects. These are typical examples of the health effects of the use of ultraviolet light.

A certain amount of UVC has a great destructive effect on microorganisms, which can kill Escherichia coli, dysentery bacilli, typhoid fever bacteria, staphylococcus, tuberculosis, chytridiomycetes and grain molds. UV radiation sterilization ability is with the wavelength change, sterilization peak in 254nm or so, that is to say, the wavelength of 254nm UV radiation sterilization effect is the best. The sterilizing effect of ultraviolet radiation has been widely used in health care and food industry, the most common is the air in the ward, medical items sterilization, which is the sterilizing effect of ultraviolet radiation.

What does the human eye feel when there is a change in the light and dark environment?

When a person suddenly enters a dark environment by a bright environment, the beginning of a dark, can not see the surrounding objects, after several minutes to slowly adapt to. This is on the one hand, dilate the pupil, increase the light radiation into the eyes, on the other hand, the eyes of the rod cells to restore activity to play the function of photoreceptor. It takes about 30 to 40 minutes to fully adapt to the dark environment, and if you go from a dark environment to a bright environment, you will have an uncomfortable sensation of stinging at first, but you will soon adapt to it and regain your normal visual function. If there is a transition zone between the light and dark environments, the eyes will be much more comfortable. Such as in the museum, when visitors from the bright outdoor or foyer quickly into the lower illumination of the exhibition hall, visitors' eyes are very uncomfortable, better designed museums in the exhibition hall at the entrance and exit of the light environment set up a transition zone, so that the audience's eyes can better adapt to the changes in light and dark scenes.

What color of light are people most sensitive to at night?

There is a clear difference in color perception between the cone and rod cells of the human eye.

Cone cells are most sensitive to the yellow-green region of the spectrum. When all colors are tested under daylight conditions, then yellow-green light will appear brightest. But which colors are rod cells most sensitive to? Rod cells do not actually produce color sensations. If a very dim but colored light is used, the eye will not see any color. Nevertheless, there are differences in color sensitivity for rod cells. Some findings show that rod cells are most sensitive to blue-green light (500 nm). Thus, at night or under dark light conditions, when rod cell vision is dominant, the brightest color will be a blue or blue-green light. Therefore, the use of blue-band-rich light at night improves visibility.

How does color affect people? How can color light be used for healing?

Color can be divided into the color of environmental objects and the color of light. The color of the environment and the color of the light have a great impact on human emotions. These colors act on the human senses and stimulate the human nerves, which in turn have an emotional and psychological effect. Scientific studies have found that red makes people excited, blue makes people quiet, orange stimulates the appetite, and black makes people feel depressed, fearful and nervous.

Practice has proved that the establishment of different colors in the hospital wards, supplemented by drugs, will receive good results. Wards should be used in higher brightness, lower color purity of the soft color dry, so that patients have a light, clean feeling. Purple environment can make pregnant women feel comfort. Foreign experiments also show that: light blue environment for patients with high fever fever effect; brown environment can help patients with high blood pressure to reduce blood pressure; and plant lime green on the human psyche to play a calming effect, there is a sense of cleanliness, physiologically play a role in lowering blood pressure and slowing down the role of the pulse. Paris medical researchers have confirmed that heart patients living in the red environment, 90% of people will have a heart rate increase in response, on the contrary, in the light blue and pink environment, there is a reduction in the role of heart rate. In Canada, some dental clinics, the wall painted blue can reduce the patient's nervousness. Scientists have also found that manic people in a rage, put him into a room painted pink, the patient will soon calm down.

Medicine can use a variety of color light irradiation therapy, each color light has its own specific frequency and efficacy. Such as a long time red light and a short period of green light, applicable to a variety of cold lesions, such as rosacea, muscle sprains, etc.; orange and blue light for a short period of time irradiation, on some hot lesions such as burns, arthritis effective; green and a short period of red light and apply to wet lesions, such as night sweats, edema, etc.. In addition, some hospitals obstetrics and gynecology clinics, the use of color light to increase the pleasant atmosphere of the hospital, will make patients feel comfortable.

For the eyesight health of primary and secondary school students, the classroom and home lighting environment should pay attention to those?

Nowadays, elementary and middle school students spend a lot of time in the classroom every day. The lighting environment of the classroom is crucial to the visual health of primary and secondary school students. Classroom lighting should be in line with the national lighting design standards issued by the requirements of the classroom desktop illuminance should be up to 300lx, the blackboard surface illuminance should be up to 500lx, and the distribution of illumination to be uniform, lamps and lanterns selection and installation but also to avoid glare. Good lighting conditions in the classroom during the day can mainly rely on natural lighting, artificial light when necessary, the classroom needs to install curtains, in order to prepare for the sun in the high sun, to avoid the production of glare.

Students study at home in the light environment, is also an important part of ensuring visual health. Night study, in addition to the room general lighting, in the writing desk should be used to read desk lamp as local lighting, desk lamps should be selected power reasonable, no strobe, light distribution and light control reasonable lamps. It should be noted that the desktop illuminance should be higher than the ambient illuminance, so that visual comfort, health, and help to improve learning efficiency; but can not be in order to save electricity only open desktop lamps, so as not to cause visual fatigue.

How to pay attention to the eyesight health of the elderly, to create a light environment suitable for the elderly living?

The visual characteristics of the elderly are different from those of young people. The cornea and lens of the eyes of the elderly are gradually yellowing, color discrimination is reduced, the ability to identify color difference is reduced, the ability to differentiate between colors that are close in tone, such as red and orange, blue and green is weakened, the elasticity of the lens deteriorates, the ability to control the amount of light entering the eyes is weakened, and the ability to adapt to the environment from a bright environment to a dark environment or from a dark environment to a bright environment fades, and is more sensitive to glare.

Therefore, the environment in which the elderly live should appropriately increase indoor illumination, improve the uniformity of room brightness, and should avoid sudden changes in the brightness of the light. Do a good job of shading lamps and lanterns to avoid glare. Should choose to use good color rendering electric light source, conducive to the elderly on the correct distinction of indoor color. It is best to have a dimming function in order to adjust according to different seasons, different moods and different visual needs.

What are the conditions that cause visual fatigue?

Visual fatigue is a syndrome of blurred vision, eye swelling, dryness, tearing, orbital pain and other eye symptoms and headache, dizziness, nausea, irritability, fatigue, and other systemic discomforts that occur after prolonged close visual inspection.

There are many factors that cause eye fatigue, the brightness of the monitor, electromagnetic radiation, fluorescent screen flicker and reflection can cause visual fatigue. Prolonged close-up use of the eyes, eyeglasses refraction is not appropriate, too deep or have a high degree of astigmatism, etc., can also cause visual fatigue. The following issues need attention:

1) Working posture and distance. Incorrect working posture and excessive proximity to the computer screen, the eyes are more susceptible to radiation damage, especially when using a laptop computer, because the screen is too small, resulting in the user must work in close proximity, the head tilted forward, the neck muscles exertion, it is very easy to aggravate the fatigue of the eyes.

2) Screen quality and clarity. Some computers are used for too long, resulting in reduced screen clarity and picture quality, thus causing difficulty in reading and eye fatigue.

3)Working environment. The light in the environment is too strong or too weak, resulting in a strong reaction between the screen and the outside world, easy to cause eye irritation.

The degree of eye fatigue is related to the length of working time, so the best way to avoid eye fatigue is to pay attention to eye rest, do not operate continuously. After every 1 hour of continuous use of the computer, the eye nitrile should be moved away from the computer for 10 to 15min, more look away, so that the eyes get relaxed. Work posture and distance is also very important, eyes and screen try to keep in more than 30cm, adjust a most appropriate posture, make the line of sight can keep down about 30. Such an angle can make the neck muscles relax, and reduce eye fatigue.

Why does "strobe" cause damage to our visual system?

The waveform of our AC power grid rises and falls 50 times per second, which is called the 50Hz frequency. Fluorescent tubes using 50Hz utility power, the electrodes at both ends of the alternating cathode and anode, 100 changes per second, that is, there will be 100 times per second, a bright dark flicker, this AC frequency caused by the brightness of the dark flicker, commonly known as "strobe". The human eye needs to adjust and adapt to the brightness of the environment. The process of visual adjustment and adaptation is completed by the pupil of the eye dilation or reduction, as well as the transition of cone cells and rod cells, which requires a certain amount of time. Short time we do not feel its flicker, but long-term reading work in the light source with strobe, will certainly make the block hole sphincter and retina due to overuse and fatigue, soreness or even injury to the optic nerve. Strobe will lead to eye fatigue, soreness, followed by dizziness and headache, and then distraction and tension, and even tachycardia.

What are the benefits of using tri-color electronically ballasted fluorescent lamps for eye protection?

Tri-color fluorescent lamps have a color rendering index of more than 80, better than ordinary fluorescent lamps (ordinary fluorescent lamps color rendering index of only 60), the use of tri-color fluorescent lamps, the light environment is more comfortable for the eyes. In addition, the strobe generated by general fluorescent lamps is detrimental to visual comfort. Tricolor electronic ballast fluorescent lamps in the electronic ballast will be AC power Zhen change to DC, and then the electronic inverter will be DC into high-frequency AC output lamps. High-frequency alternating current, the current is close to continuous without interruption, fundamentally eliminating the "strobe" on the visual hazards. Such light oblique illumination in the computer or TV screen can also eliminate more than 90% of the display strobe, can reduce visual fatigue, significantly improve the quality of lighting.

In the market to buy "eye protection lamp" should pay attention to those issues?

First of all, it is important to point out that the so-called "eye lamp" is the market promotion of reading lamps commonly known. It is due to the use of electronic ballasts can reduce the strobe, the use of people's eyes nitrile feel the influence of the strobe light. Secondly, the use of good color rendering three-color lamps, compared with ordinary lighting lamps, eye lamps soft light color, ten force close to natural light. Finally, the lampshade is generally lined with reflective panels that can enhance the light effect, while its lamp groove is deeper, thus protecting the eyes from direct light, avoiding glare. Obviously, reading under this kind of lamp, people will feel much more comfortable eyes, can play a role in protecting the eyes.

But the market "eye lamp" brand more, the quality of good and bad, the price difference is also larger. At present, China has no reading lamp ("eye lamp") testing standards. Therefore, in the selection of "eye lamps" to be careful when buying. In the field to choose the lamp, to see its manual, product description, product certificates and quality supervision and inspection number and other documents are complete. Optical performance, from the point of view of the use of desk lamps, the human eye will not directly see the lamp Kan, lamp light distribution is uniform. Whether the lamp is a three-color lamp, to carefully observe its appearance is relatively fine and so on.

Do I need to turn on the light when watching TV and computer at night?

When watching TV, turning the lights on and off will directly affect the background brightness when watching TV. If you turn off all the lights, the background will be very dark, small and bright fluorescent screen and the background to form a strong contrast, a long time, our eyes will feel fatigue, as we stare at the light for a long time with our eyes, watching TV in total darkness will also increase the consumption of vitamin A in the body. If you watch TV, turn on all the lights in the house, in the bright background, the fluorescent screen appears gray, which will make the image of the contrast and gray level decline, the image becomes light and unclear levels, greatly affecting the viewing effect, if the long-term look at this unclear picture, but also affect our eyesight.

So, when watching TV, turn off all bad, all open bright is not good, it is best to open a lower-power, softer light indoors, there is a lampshade is better, in order to regulate the background brightness indoors, so that the eyes do not feel fatigue, the reception effect is also good.

The placement of small power lamps should pay attention to two issues. The first is that this light should not appear in the field of view of people watching TV, so as not to distract attention and produce unnecessary stimulation; the second is that the light should not be directed to the fluorescent screen, so as not to affect the quality of the image. Some families in the TV set after the design of the background wall, after clever treatment of both background light, but also can not see the lights, is also a good program.

Do you understand the beneficial effects of infrared radiation on the human body?

Infrared through the clouds than the ability to visible light, communication, detection and other aspects of a wide range of uses, it has a strong thermal effect, and easy to be absorbed by the object. It is usually used as a heat radiation source for medical treatment. Infrared radiation has a strong penetrating power to human skin and subcutaneous tissue. Infrared radiation to the human body can make the skin and subcutaneous tissue temperature increase accordingly, promote blood circulation and metabolism, conducive to human health. Infrared physiotherapy on the organization of the thermal effect, anti-inflammatory effect and promote the regenerative effect has been clinically affirmed, usually used in the treatment of lesions directly irradiated. Near infrared micro-irradiation treatment on the microcirculation improvement effect is significant, especially in the micro-blood flow state to improve the obvious, manifested in the irradiation of capillary blood flow speed, red blood cell aggregation phenomenon is reduced, the phenomenon of bruising reduced or disappeared, thus improving the body tissue, important organs of nutrition, metabolism, repair and function has a positive effect.

What kind of office light environment can help improve work efficiency?

Office lighting is good or bad mainly depends on the level of illumination and lighting quality. Its light environment should meet the functional and technical requirements, room lighting on the whole should be uniform, give full consideration to visual operations and personal needs, trying to create a pleasant working environment. Office space operation lighting light level is generally between 300 to 500lx, the surrounding environment should have a certain level of light, the entire lighting area should have a certain degree of uniformity. Typically, the office work area illumination uniformity should be greater than 0. 7. Office lighting methods strive to be simple, efficient, reasonable light distribution, no light curtain reflections, direct glare, reflective glare, stroboscopic and shadows. So that the users of the space to reduce visual fatigue, produce a feeling of relaxation, conducive to improving work efficiency.

What is the harm to the welder's eyes from the light emitted during welding?

When welding, the welder's eyes will be stimulated by the strong ultraviolet rays in the arc light, which will lead to the occurrence of electro-optical ophthalmia. The main symptoms of electro-optical ophthalmia are grinding pain in the eyes, tearing and fear of light. It takes about 2 to 10 hours from the time the eyes are exposed to the arc light to the onset of symptoms. If electro-optical ophthalmia is secondary to infection, and corneal ulcers result, there can also be corneal opacities that can affect vision. Therefore, welders should wear a special protective shield when welding.

Do you understand "light therapy"?

Phototherapy is the use of sunlight or artificial light (infrared, ultraviolet, visible light, laser) to prevent and treat diseases and promote the recovery of the body. Different light due to different quantum energy, can cause photochemical effect, photoelectric effect, fluorescence effect and thermal effect, these effects become the basis of the role of photobiology. The therapeutic effect of infrared light is based on the warmth effect, which has the effect of improving blood circulation, promoting absorption, relieving spasm, dissipating chronic inflammation and analgesia. The mechanism of anti-inflammatory action of ultraviolet rays: 1. sterilizing; 2. improving blood circulation in the lesion; 3. influencing the body's defense and immune function. Laser therapy is a method of treating diseases using light emitted from a laser.

What kind of light helps stimulate the appetite?

In the residential dining room, if you choose one or more suitable and beautiful chandelier, so that the soft light gathered in the center of the table, not only can enhance appetite, but also has a cohesive vision and regulate the mood of the meal. At the same time in order to increase appetite, you can choose a warm light source and good color rendering lamps and lanterns, which can better render the effect of the dish. However, it should be noted that the light should be concentrated on the table, to avoid direct exposure to the eyes or head of the diners. Chandelier high complex, lampshade and lamp ball material and form need to carefully choose Bonnie, in order to avoid causing uncomfortable sleep glare. Of course, you can also choose a chandelier with a random rise and fall device in order to adjust and choose the height.

What are the lighting needs of people with eye disease?

In the average home or classroom, the lighting is designed to meet the illuminance standards of a healthy person, which may not always be appropriate for an eye patient. For children with low vision, it is especially important to create appropriate indoor lighting. Low vision patients should be able to increase the illumination level or decrease it, depending on their respective conditions.

Low vision caused by the following types of eye disease requires enhanced lighting.

1) Those with markedly reduced pupil of the eye.

2)Those with optic nerve atrophy.

3)Pathologic myopia.

4)Macular lesions.

5)Postoperative aphakic eyes.

6)Retinitis pigmentosa.

7)Congenital retinal, choroidal and optic nerve defects.

Generally speaking, patients with low vision need high illumination, but there are some cases of the opposite, such as:

1)Albinism: albinism patients are unable to tolerate bright light due to the lack of melanin in the pigment membrane, so low illumination is appropriate.

2)Cataract: especially nuclear or posterior subcapsular turbidity, requires low illumination, if necessary, can be added to the yellow filter, the illumination brightness is reduced after the patient's pupil naturally open, so that the effective imaging beam through the lens peripheral part of the transparent area into the eye, to improve vision.

3)Congenital irislessness: these low vision patients because the pupil can not regulate the intensity of the incoming light, the illumination can be slightly lower than normal, some children can be used to normal lighting.

4) central corneal clouding: this type of low vision patients, if you raise the illumination, will make the pupil narrow, more difficult to see things. The use of low lighting can make the pupil open wider, which is conducive to light into the eye, see things clearly.

5) Total color blindness: These low vision patients need low lighting to avoid discomfort such as glare.

What are the applications of UV light in life?

Ultraviolet light directly irradiated skin, in addition to bactericidal effect, but also has the adjustment and improvement of the nervous, endocrine, digestive, circulatory, respiratory, blood, immune system, as well as to promote the production of vitamin D function. It can also make the fluorescent material luminous, such as used to identify the authenticity of the paper money ultraviolet detection machine that uses the above principle. A certain intensity and wavelength of ultraviolet light, irradiation of substances will emit fluorescence, according to the color of the fluorescence, you can determine whether the elements, such as lead, mercury and other heavy metals and pesticide residues can be used in this way to detect. Utilizing the special sensitivity of the compound eyes of insects to 365nm ultraviolet rays, UV lamps are made to eliminate mosquitoes. The use of 280 ~ 320nm ultraviolet light made of human health care ultraviolet lamp, irradiation of the skin, can prevent rickets and occupational diseases. The use of ultraviolet light and oxygen in the air after the reaction to produce ozone, can be cold combustion of grease molecules to generate carbon dioxide and water, the organic matter in the fumes will be photolysis and oxidation, the odor is also eliminated.

What are the applications of infrared light in life?

The main characteristic of infrared light is its strong thermal effect. Various objects absorb infrared rays after the temperature rises. Therefore, people use infrared rays to heat things. Industrial use of infrared drying car surface paint, family with infrared oven baked food, bathroom with the bathroom lamp with infrared heating, medical use of infrared heat effect to physical therapy, military use of infrared detection of human body heat and the effect of imaging made of night vision devices. There are also rangefinders that use infrared light as a carrier wave for precision instruments.

Daily life in the ultraviolet ray on the skin, eye damage?

In recent years, people have come to realize that excessive ultraviolet light causes photochemical reactions, which can lead to a series of changes in human function, especially on the human skin, eyes, and the immune system and other hazards. UV rays in daily life mainly come from sunlight. Of course, in addition to sunlight, artificial light sources such as fluorescent lamps, blue lights in dance halls, mosquito lamps and ultraviolet germicidal lamps all radiate varying degrees of UVA and UVB ultraviolet radiation.

The damage to the skin caused by the tight outer rays of sunlight is mainly manifested in acute sunburn or sunburn, skin tanning or hyperpigmentation, skin photoaging, inducing or aggravating photosensitive skin diseases and causing other biological damage, including skin cancer.

Strong sunlight exposure of tens of minutes or even ten minutes can make the degree of skin erythema, edema and even blisters, acute damage can appear after the skin roughness, dehydration, can also be secondary to hyperpigmentation. These phenomena for sunburn. The ultraviolet band that causes sunburn is mainly medium-wave ultraviolet f (UVB).

The basic change of skin aging is the appearance of coarse and deep wrinkles. The ultraviolet band that causes skin photoaging is mainly UVA. 35% to 50% of UVA's strong penetrating ability can reach the dermis of the skin, causing the dermis to reduce the mature collagen and elastic fibers degeneration. UVA damage to the skin is a cumulative process, long-term UVA irradiation gradually led to the above lesions. In recent years, the earth's ozone layer to the rate of 1% per year, and the ozone layer every thinning 1%, the ground UV intensity will be left to add 1% to 2%, some studies have inferred that the human skin cancer crippling rate will increase by 3%.

Strong ultraviolet radiation can damage eye tissue, resulting in conjunctivitis, damage to the cornea, lens, ultraviolet light is the main cause of cataracts. In mid-latitude summer noon, observe a page of white paper under daylight for a few minutes. It can reach a level that is harmful to the eyes. Preventing the eyes from being overexposed to ultraviolet light is an effective means of preventing solar cataracts.

Now the United States, Canada, Australia and other countries and some cities in China, has begun to release daylight ultraviolet index forecast to remind the public to guess the appropriate protective measures. Currently. World Health Organization experts called for people engaged in outdoor activities to avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight, to the coastal and mountainous areas of the vacation Yuki to pay attention to the protection of the skin.

Why are UVC germicidal lamps a high-risk product?

Low-pressure UV germicidal lamps rely mainly on short-wave UV radiation of 253.7nm to sterilize and disinfect. Some lamps also radiate 185nm ultraviolet light, in the air to produce ozone, also has sterilization effect.

The International Commission on Illumination standard "photobiological safety of lamps and lamp systems" stipulates that the hazard level of lamps is divided into four levels: harmless level, low hazard level, medium hazard level and high hazard level. The provisions of the high hazard level is: 254nm ultraviolet physical irradiance greater than or equal to 6μW/cm2; or effective harm irradiance is dry or equal to 3μW/cm2. the provisions of the human injury exposure threshold for 6mJ/cm2. (Physical Exposure) or 3mJ/cm2 (Effective Injury Exposure). UV germicidal lamps in general applications and other parts of the radiation is very easy to exceed the above values, and therefore belong to the high hazard level products. For example: 30W germicidal lamp, in 1 m at the UV irradiance value of 107μW/cm2, in less than 1 min of time (about 56s) physical exposure to radiation that is 6mJ/cm2.

At present, in addition to factories, hospitals, families with ultraviolet sterilization, disinfection of more and more products, and therefore in the use of the use of stringent protection measures must be in place and meet the corresponding provisions to ensure reasonable and safe application. Ensure reasonable and safe application.

What is the damage of infrared radiation on the skin in daily life?

Infrared rays are different from ultraviolet rays in terms of damage to the skin. Infrared radiation through its thermal radiation effect makes the skin temperature rise, capillary expansion, congestion, increased epidermal water evaporation and other direct adverse effects on the skin. Its main manifestation is red papules, premature aging of the skin and pigmentation disorders.