Low menstrual flow, there are blood clots, ready to go to Xining Changhai Hospital to check, may I ask how much money is needed to do gynecological examination in general?

Endoscopic examination of gynecology, gynecology generally first to do internal diagnosis, internal diagnosis is about ten dollars, glove money. Need to do colposcopic testing, the approximate cost is more than two hundred dollars. If a biopsy is taken under colposcopy, plus a pathology specimen, it could be over a thousand dollars. If testing of the uterine cavity needs to be done, under hysteroscopy, the cost is about two thousand dollars. If there are various operations performed under hysteroscopy, such as polyp removal, it's going to be another two thousand dollars or so because there's going to be pathology after the removal. If there is a mediastinum operation, hysteroscopic mediastinum operation, plus the cost of the comprehensive operation, is usually more than three thousand dollars. Or hysteroscopic endotomy, it's five or six thousand dollars. So what kind of endoscopic examination, there is a cost, simple gynecological internal examination is about ten dollars. It is recommended that you consult with Xining Modern Maternity Hospital, the medical equipment professional level are very high