Jiangsu University of Science and Technology Marine and Offshore Engineering, outfitting direction, now I have to choose between outfitting and interior outfitting. What is the difference between the

Jiangsu University of Science and Technology Marine and Offshore Engineering, outfitting direction, now I have to choose between outfitting and interior outfitting. What is the difference between the two? Which one is better? I'm not sure what I'm talking about! Ship outfitting is everything on board except the hull and the ship's power plant.

Outfitting Work includes rudders, anchors, moorings, life-saving equipment, closing equipment, towing and jacking equipment, ladders, railings, masts, etc.;

Inner Outfitting is also known as Joiner Work or Accommdation Work. Accommdation Work: Separation of compartments and installation of insulation materials, manufacture and installation of marine furniture and sanitary facilities, composition and installation of galley coolers and air-conditioning systems, and installation of marine doors and windows. Cruise ships (tankers) have a more complex sun installation, and the decoration and installation of electrical and electronic equipment often cross over.

Outfitting is more suitable for boys to learn, because it is necessary to be familiar with the norms, and to know the ship structure and principles, and to take into account a lot of factors, and to count the ship's global things. And there are more orientations that are easy to memorize and implement. And it's about having an understanding of the whole ship. Generally the director of ship outfitting is an outfitter.

Internal outfitting is more suitable for girls because the layout of a ship's cabin is more cozy and practical, just like the interior of a house. Things are more miscellaneous, need to be careful, and to be placed reasonably, which will be very annoying for boys, because there are a lot of facilities in the room, such as the dining room, dormitory, recreation room, toilets, control room, the bridge, etc., etc., to do a reasonable distribution is not very easy.

In fact, both outfitting and outfitting are promising and profitable. IMO outfitting is also becoming more and more demanding because of the high wages and the lack of difference between crew and shore based people, which is why there are fewer and fewer people doing it.

I hope this helps!