How do you say "shit" and "shit" in English?
English words for shit are extreme. \ x0d \ x0d \ phonetic symbol: English ['ekskr? m(? ) nt] beauty ['? kskr? m? Nt] \x0d\ Definition: shit, shit \x0d\ phrase \x0d\ extreme collector \ x0d \ shit collector; \ X0d\ animal excrement \x0d\ pig excrement \ X0d \ bird excrement \ X0d \ excrement liquid animal excrement \ X0d \ cow excrement \ X0d \ example \x0d\ 1 My main function is to analyze human elimination. \ x0d \ My main task is to analyze human excrement. \x0d\2, they should pay special attention to raw meat, livestock, human limits and lakes or rivers. \ x0d \ They should pay special attention to undercooked meat, domestic animals, human excrement and water in lakes or rivers. \x0d\3。 Poultry needs a lot of food and space, which is a typical limited cost, and it has produced many extremes. \ x0d \ Poultry needs a lot of food and space, which is a unique limitation of space travel and also produces a lot of excrement. \x0d\4。 The virus is transmitted to humans through close contact with infected birds or elimination, and cannot be transmitted from person to person. \ x0d \ This virus is transmitted by human contact with infected birds or their droppings, but it will not be transmitted from person to person. \x0d\5。 He collected extreme animals from a panda breeding center in southern China. \ x0d \ He collects the excrement of giant pandas from a giant panda breeding center in the south of China.