2. Basic knowledge: Although acupuncture and massage is a practical major, theoretical knowledge is also very important. We should not only master basic medical knowledge such as human anatomy, physiology and pathology, but also master professional skills such as acupuncture and massage.
3. Safety awareness: In the learning process, we must pay attention to the safety of individuals and others. In actual operation, we should strictly abide by the operating rules to avoid accidents.
4. Healthy Habits: Students majoring in acupuncture and massage should develop good living habits and maintain good physical condition so as to practice better.
5. Continuous learning: Medicine is a constantly developing field, and new research results and technologies are constantly emerging. Therefore, as students majoring in acupuncture and massage, they should keep learning attitude and constantly improve their professional skills.
6. Professional ethics: As a medical worker, we should always abide by medical ethics, respect life, care for patients, be honest and trustworthy, and provide services to patients fairly.