Meituan Rider Insurance Claims Scope: From the insurance business cooperation agreement between the insurance company contracted by Meituan Crowdsourcing and Meituan Rider, the scope of the claims includes the rider's own accidents and personal property losses caused by the rider's own accidents and to the three during the period of 1:30 am the next morning after the rider receives the order, as follows: 1. Death and disability compensation (excluding sudden death). The maximum compensation limit is RMB 600,000 yuan. Accidental Injury refers to an external, sudden, unintentional, non-disease objective event that causes bodily injury to the Insured Person, which is not caused by the above objective event resulting in the Insured Person's death or disability; sudden death, suicide and self-inflicted injuries are not considered as Accidental Injury. Disability will be paid in accordance with the percentage of benefit corresponding to the level of disability. 2. Medical Expenses. (1) Compensation for necessary and reasonable medical expenses incurred for treatment in a hospital, including: registration fee, treatment fee, operation fee, examination fee, medicine fee, material fee, emergency vehicle fee (excluding lost wages); and bed fee during hospitalization. (2) The maximum compensation limit for accidental medical treatment is RMB 50,000 with no deductible. After the accident, the insured person must go to a public hospital of the second class or above for medical treatment, otherwise no claim will be paid. 100% of the expenses for medication, examination and treatment within the scope of medical insurance will be covered. (3) Items and expenses other than the aforementioned "death compensation", "disability compensation" and "medical expenses" are excluded: such as nutritional expenses, rehabilitation expenses, assistive devices, cosmetic surgery expenses, restoration surgery expenses, and other expenses. The following items and expenses are excluded: nutritional expenses, rehabilitation expenses, aids and appliances, cosmetic surgery, restorative surgery, cosmetic dentistry, dental restoration, dental veneers, nursing care, transportation, food and accommodation, funeral expenses, alimony, support, moral damages, maintenance, and out-of-pocket items and medicines prescribed by the social health insurance or other public medical care authorities in the place where the insurance policy is issued, etc. 3. Third-party Death and Dismemberment, Medical Treatment and Physical Damage Indemnification. (1) Third-party personal injury (including death, disability and medical treatment) indemnity is calculated based on the amount of death indemnity not higher than the limit of 200,000 RMB per person for death and disability indemnity agreed in the insurance policy. Disability appraisal is required to calculate the indemnity in accordance with the "Personal Insurance Disability Evaluation Standards (Industry Standards)" (CIRC [2013] No. 88). (2) Third-party Accidental Injury Medical Compensation: Compensation for necessary and reasonable medical expenses incurred for treatment in the hospital, specifically including: registration fee, treatment fee, operation fee, examination fee, medicine fee, material fee, emergency vehicle fee; bed fee during hospitalization (including third-party lost wages and nursing fee). (3) Third-party property damage: the third-party property damage portion, after deducting the 300 RMB deductible, will be paid at a compensation amount of no more than RMB 50,000 yuan. Physical damage part does not include the following subjects: (1) gold, silver, jewelry, diamonds, jade, jewelry, ancient coins, antiques, antique books, antique paintings, stamps, calligraphy and painting, works of art, rare metals and other precious property; (2) portable communication devices, portable computer equipment, portable photographic and video equipment, and other portable devices, equipment; (3) currency, tickets, securities, and cash value of the magnetic card, Integrated Circuit (IC) cards and other cards; (4) documents, books, charts, technical data, computer software, computer data and other property that cannot be appraised for value. The above three responsibilities: death and disability, medical treatment, physical damage *** with a sum insured of 200,000, beyond the sum insured part of the insurance liability is terminated. From the perspective of the above claims scope, Meituan provides a more comprehensive insurance for riders, which helps to maximize the protection of the rights and interests of riders.