What is the development prospect of mobile internet medical app

According to the 2016-2021 China Mobile Healthcare Industry Market Outlook and Investment Strategy Planning Analysis Report by Prospect Industry Research Institute, the 2015 Global Mobile Healthcare APP Developers Annual Economic Conference report pointed out that smartphones will become the preferred mobile healthcare device in the next five years, and that 85% of mobile healthcare practitioners will use smartphones as a primary tool. Especially in developing countries, smartphone penetration is very high.

Data from the Foresight Industry Research Institute shows that Android and iOS are still the two leading application development platforms for mHealth. Secondly, smart watches will replace tablet PCs as the second device device for mobile medical apps. Tablet PC, bracelet in the next five years in the mobile medical equipment market position is also significant.

Future, through the mHealth APP, to provide users with automated data entry services will be the mainstream trend. Mobile medical apps are already increasingly recording body metrics and collecting data with the help of sensors, and 70% of mobile medical apps will be built into cell phones.

Chronic disease patients are the main target group for mHealth app publishers, and diabetes is considered the most important user group for mHealth app development in the next five years, followed by chronic diseases such as obesity, hypertension and depression.

Diagnostic mHealth APP development is also a major trend in the future, an APP that can provide disease diagnosis will bring great convenience to patients and doctors. Electronic health record APPs and nutritional guideline APPs are also highly praised by users in their respective fields.