Because the dental clinic wastewater is a special pollutant, such as drugs, disinfectants, diagnostic agents, bathing agents, as well as a large number of pathogenic microorganisms, parasitic eggs, and a variety of viruses, etc. (such as roundworm eggs, hepatitis viruses, tuberculosis and dementia, etc.) Compared with the industrial wastewater and sewage, it is characterized by a small amount of water and strong pollution force. So treatment can not be generalized with industrial and domestic sewage treatment. For small-scale wastewater, should choose small wastewater treatment equipment, because of the special nature of the wastewater drugs, traditional activated sludge technology is not suitable for the use, but should focus on the disinfection of dental clinic wastewater, because the wastewater contains a large number of drugs and parasites, the initial filtration of the large particles of impurities, these substances need to flocculation and precipitation and to take the physical filtration process, the treatment of sewage disinfection after the completion of The treatment of sewage is then disinfected.
From Chengdu Huaqing Longyi environmental protection learned: oral sewage treatment equipment is specialized in stomatology, dental equipment; physical way, no need to add chemicals, no consumables, no secondary pollution; commonly used disinfection equipment has a chlorine dioxide generator, hydrochloric acid and sodium chlorate to carry out a chemical reaction to generate chlorine dioxide. Dental clinic sewage treatment is generally pre-treatment, discharged into the municipal network for treatment. The implementation of the standard is a comprehensive medical institutions and other medical institutions water pollution discharge standards.