Class II medical device maintenance of the safety of the implementation of standards

I. Monitoring of temperature and humidity in stores: stores must monitor and regulate the temperature of the business premises so that the temperature of the business premises meets the requirements of room temperature, and carry out regular (monthly) hygiene inspections to keep the environment clean and tidy. The equipment for storing and displaying medical devices should be kept clean and hygienic, no items unrelated to sales activities should be placed, and measures should be taken to prevent contamination of medicines by insects and rodents.

Second, the requirements of the display:

1) medical equipment according to the use and storage requirements of the classification of the display, and set up eye-catching signs, category labels, clear handwriting, placed accurately, and price labels must be displayed with the medical equipment one-to-one correspondence, clear handwriting.

2) the zero sales of medical devices are stored in the zero counter or special area, make a good record and retain the original packaging label to the medical device sales until the end

three, focus on the inspection of the varieties: zero medical devices and perishable, near-expiry date, placed for a long time, such as medical equipment, inspection twice a month.

Four, the treatment of medical devices in doubt: where the quality of medical devices in doubt, are not allowed to display on the shelves, sales.