The first 200 are given to you, so you don’t have to ask again next time.
1 million n. million; a. million
2 medical a. medical, medical
3 research investigation, research; v. investigation , study
4 tie n. knot, tie, tie, tie, shoelace; v. tie, knot, restraint
5 worry n. worry, worry, distress; v. make... trouble, anxiety, distress
6 what if what would happen if...?
7 pimple n. pimple, facial bubble, pimple
8 exam n. exam
9 energetic a. energetic
10 confident a. Confident, confident
11 permission n. Agree, permission, permission
12 herself pron. herself
13 bother v. bother
14 slight n. contempt; a. slight, delicate, fragile; v. contempt, neglect
15 in the slightest not at all, not at all
16 annoy v. distress, harass
17 fairly a. fairly, quite; ad. quite
18 plenty a. sufficient, quite a lot; n. sufficient, a large amount; pron. sufficient, enough
19 plenty of many, a large number
20 get along with get along with...
21 circle n. circumference, social circle, cycle; v. surround, circle, surround
22 listener n. listener, listener
23 knowledgeable a. smart, knowledgeable< /p>
24 represent vt. express, represent, describe, represent; vi. raise objection
25 let... down live up to the expectations of...
26 come up with to find; to propose (answers, solutions, etc.)
27 rest a. the rest; v.&n. rest; vi. put (on), rest; vt. make rest
28 aid n. Help, helpful things; v. Aid, help; abbr.=Agency for International Development International Development Agency [US]
29 first-aid first aid
30 nearby a. nearby; ad. in the vicinity; prep. near...
31 shelf n. shelf
32 come out, publish, publish
33 cover n. cover, cover, surface; v. cover, involve, contain
34 press n. press, pressure; v. press, press
35 deep a. Deep; ad. Deeply
36 downstairs a. Downstairs; ad. Downstairs; n. Downstairs
37 correct a. Correct; v . correct, correct; vt. correct
38 burn n. burn, burn; v. burn, burn, burn, burn
39 knee n. knee, knee
40 pain n. pain
, pain, hard work; v. make...pain, pain, pain
41 hurt hurt, (make) pain
42 safety a. insured; n. safety
43 offer n. offer, proposal; v. offer, bid, attempt
44 refuse n. waste, garbage; vi. unwillingness, refusal; vt. refuse
< p>45 helpful a. Helpful, beneficial46 treat n. Feast, hospitality; v. Treat, treat, process, treat
47 burn n. Burn , burn; v. burn, burn, burn, burn
48 spotty a. spotted, stained, rash
49 belong v. belong to< /p>
50 belong to
51 author n. author; vt. creation, writing
52 picnic n. picnic; v. (go to) picnic
53 hair band hair band
54 possibly ad. Possibly, maybe
55 drop n. drop, trace amount, fall; v. put down, drop
56 symphony n. Symphony
57 optometrist n. Optometrist, vision tester
58 appointment n. Appointment, appointment
59 algebra n . Algebra
60 crucial a. Crucial, decisive
61 count v. Calculate, regard as dependence; n. Count
62 final a . final; n. final
63 anxious a. anxious, worried
64 worried a. worried, troubled
65 owner n. owner, owner
66 Oxford University Oxford University
67 chase n. pursue, hunt; v. hunt, chase, pattern on metal
68 sky n. sky
69 creature n. creature, animal, person
70 catch n. capture, trap, catch; v. catch; catch up with, understand, infect
71 unhappy a. Unhappy, unfortunate, inappropriate
72 extremely ad. Extremely, very
73 interview n. Interview, interview, interview; v. interview, interview
74 noise n. sound, sound, sound, noise, noise; v. rumor
75 wind n. wind, smell, volume; v . wind up, winding, winding
76 neighbor n. neighbor; v. adjacent, living next to each other, friendly
77 footstep n. footsteps (sound), footprints
p>78 garbage n. garbage
79 mystery n. mystery, mysterious things
80 director n. director, manager, supervisor, instructor, director
81 monkey n. monkey; v. messing around
82 escape n. escape, refuge equipment; v. escape, avoid, slip away; [computer] code change
<p>83 bark n. bark; v. bark, call
84 smell n. taste, smell, sniff; v. smell, detect, smell
85 finger n . Finger, pointer
86 lift n. Lift, help, high-spirited; n. Elevator; v. Raise, lift, dissipate
87 stone a. Made of stone; n. stone; vt. throw stones at...
88 ant n. ant
89 dishonest a. dishonest
90 pretend v. pretend , pseudonym
91 use up use up, use up, exhaustion
92 attempt v.&n. attempt, try; vt. try, try
93 Hemingway (① surname ② Ernest, 1899-1961, American novelist, won the 1954 Nobel Prize for Literature)
94 Mark Twain Mark Twain
95 fred Frey Virtue (name)
96 prefer v. prefer, rather, propose
97 lyric a. lyrical; n. lyric poetry
98 gentle a. Mild, elegant
99 dislike v. Dislike, dislike; vt.&n. Dislike, dislike
100 remind of Make...recall, think of
< p>101 heart hB:t n. heart, center, key point; v. muster up courage, inspire102 string strIN n. line, a string, a string of words; v. string together, into a string, Tighten
103 sink sINk n. Receiving end, ditch, sewage tank; v. sink, make...lower, sink
104 Yellow River Yellow River
< p>105 fisherman 5fIFEmEn n. fisherman106 latest 5leItIst a. latest, latest
107 entertainment etE5teImC:nt n. entertainment
108 feature 5fi :tFE(r) n. Characteristics, appearance; n. Characteristics, features, characteristics
109 photography fE5tCgrEfI n. Photography
110 gallery 5gAlErI n. Art gallery, gallery
p>111 photographer fE5tCgrEfE n. photographer
112 display dI5spleI n. display, display, show off; v. display, performance, boast
113 on display display; exhibition
114 photograph 5fEJtEgrB:f n. Photograph; v. Photography, photography
115 interest 5IntrEst n. Interest, hobby, interest; v. To interest...
116 class klB:s n. Class, class, type
117 whatever wCt5evE(r) a. No matter what; det. No matter what, no matter what; pron.&conj. No matter what< /p>
118 miss mIs n. Miss; vt. Miss; vt. Miss, miss
119 energy 5enEdVI n. Vitality, energy, ability, energy
0 okay 9EJ5keI ad.
121 pro prEJ n. Expert (agree); ad. Positively
122 con kCn ad. (commonly used plural) opposing views
123 honest 5CnIst a. Honest, upright
124 suit su:t n. Suit, lawsuit, request; v. Suit, please, Satisfy
125 expect Ik5spekt v. Expect, hope, expect
126 sweet swi:t a. Sweet, cute, pleasant; n. Candy, dessert
127 taste teIst n. taste, taste, taste; v. taste, experience
128 to be honest (insert) to be honest, to be honest
129 be bad for harmful to...
130 actually 5AktFJElI ad. actually
131 fry fraI n. (US) French fries; v. fry, fry
p>132 mainly 5meInlI ad.
133 stay away from
134 be in agreement
135 itself It5self pron. itself, itself
136 laboratory lE5bCrEtrI n. laboratory; experimental building
137 type taIp n. type, variety, style, model; v. typing; n. typeface, font
138 cancer 5kAnsE(r) n. cancer
139 barbecue 5bB:bIkju: n. barbecue; v. barbecue
140 barbecued meat barbecue meat
141 increase 5Inkri:s n. increase, enhance, improve; v. increase, improve
142 risk rIsk n. risk, danger; v. risk... danger
143 biscuit 5bIskIt n. biscuit
144 main meIn a. main; n. main part, trunk
145 exclamation 9eksklE5meIFn n. exclamation , exclamation words
146 tag tAg n. label, appendage, name; v. attached with tag, trailing, decoration; n. mark, marker
147 tag question Irony question
148 contraction kEn5trAkFn n. contraction, abbreviation, disease
149 shock FCk n. shock, conflict, shock; v. shock, conflict, make... electric shock
150 care 5keE n. Care, care, worry; v. Care, care, affection, mind; abbr.=Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe Remittances to European cooperatives
151 carmen 5kB:men Carmen
152 Dan Dervish Dan Dervi Poems
153 tiring 5taIErIN adj. Tiring
154 educational 9edju(:)5keIFEnl a. educational
155 peacefu
l 5pi:sfl a. Tranquil, peaceful
156 fascinating 5fAsIneItIN a. Charming
157 thrilling 5WrIlIN a. Creepy, exciting
158 take it easy calmly, relaxed, not nervous
159 Florida 5flCrIdE n. Florida [US state name]
160 trek trek vt. Hard trek (march); n. Hard Trek
161 Amazon 5AmEzEn n. Female Warrior
162 fall fR:l n. Autumn, fall, waterfall; v. Fall, fall, coming
163 Niagara Falls Niagara Falls
164 touristy 5tJErIstI a. Tourists like
165 spotlight 5spCtlaIt n. lighting, headlights; public attention center
166 consider kEn5sIdE(r) v. consider, think, think
167 lively 5laIvlI lively, active, lifelike, real
168 Eiffel Tower Eiffel Tower
p>169 Notre Dame Cathedral
170 church 5tF\:tF n. church
171 convenient kEn5vi:nIEnt a. convenient
172 underground 5QndEgraJnd n. Underground, subway, tunnel, secret activity; a. Underground, secret; ad. Underground, secretly
173 general 5dVenrEl n. General, general, generally; a. Generally, generally; v. to command, to be...general
174 in general usually, generally, generally speaking
175 wine waIn n. wine, wine
p>176 translate trAns5leIt v. Translation, explanation; change, transfer, transfer
177 pack pAk n. Package, group, pair; v. Pack, bundle, stuff
178 light laIt n. light, bright, lamp; a. light, bright, easy; v. ignite, catch fire, brighten
179 wonderful 5wQndEfl a. excellent, wonderful of
180 Ace Travel a travel agency name
181 provide prE5vaId vi. supply, provide; vt. provide
182 provide with to... provide, to ...Equipment
183 firm f\:m a. Firm, solid, strong; ad. Firmly, firmly; n. Firm, company; v. (to make) solid
184 spot spCt n. Spot, place, spot; a. On the spot, actual transaction; v. Spot, recognition, illuminated with light
185 Confucius kEn5fju:FIEs n . Confucius
186 sail seIl v. sailing
187 pacific pE5sIfIk a. Pacific; n. Pacific
188 finding 5faIndIN n. discovery, discovery, decide; vbl. discover
189 as soon as
possible as soon as possible
190 continue kEn5tInju: v. continue, continue
191 programming 5prEJgrAMIN n. planning, design; vbl. planning, design
192 translator trAns5leItE n. translator
193 sportspeople n. sports enthusiasts, athletes
194 conclusion kEn5klu:Vn n. conclusion
195 come true realize, achieve< /p>
196 attitude 5AtItju:d n. attitude, opinion, posture
197 clean up clear; clean up
198 hunger 5hQNgE(r) n. hunger, desire , famine; v. Hungry, making... hungry, eager
199 homeless 5hEJmlIs a. homeless
200 Cheer up Cheer up! Lift up your spirit!