The first word in the English vocabulary list of the third volume of junior high school Shandong Education Press is robot

The first 200 are given to you, so you don’t have to ask again next time.

1 million n. million; a. million

2 medical a. medical, medical

3 research investigation, research; v. investigation , study

4 tie n. knot, tie, tie, tie, shoelace; v. tie, knot, restraint

5 worry n. worry, worry, distress; v. make... trouble, anxiety, distress

6 what if what would happen if...?

7 pimple n. pimple, facial bubble, pimple

8 exam n. exam

9 energetic a. energetic

10 confident a. Confident, confident

11 permission n. Agree, permission, permission

12 herself pron. herself

13 bother v. bother

14 slight n. contempt; a. slight, delicate, fragile; v. contempt, neglect

15 in the slightest not at all, not at all

16 annoy v. distress, harass

17 fairly a. fairly, quite; ad. quite

18 plenty a. sufficient, quite a lot; n. sufficient, a large amount; pron. sufficient, enough

19 plenty of many, a large number

20 get along with get along with...

21 circle n. circumference, social circle, cycle; v. surround, circle, surround

22 listener n. listener, listener

23 knowledgeable a. smart, knowledgeable< /p>

24 represent vt. express, represent, describe, represent; vi. raise objection

25 let... down live up to the expectations of...

26 come up with to find; to propose (answers, solutions, etc.)

27 rest a. the rest; v.&n. rest; vi. put (on), rest; vt. make rest

28 aid n. Help, helpful things; v. Aid, help; abbr.=Agency for International Development International Development Agency [US]

29 first-aid first aid

30 nearby a. nearby; ad. in the vicinity; prep. near...

31 shelf n. shelf

32 come out, publish, publish

33 cover n. cover, cover, surface; v. cover, involve, contain

34 press n. press, pressure; v. press, press

35 deep a. Deep; ad. Deeply

36 downstairs a. Downstairs; ad. Downstairs; n. Downstairs

37 correct a. Correct; v . correct, correct; vt. correct

38 burn n. burn, burn; v. burn, burn, burn, burn

39 knee n. knee, knee

40 pain n. pain

, pain, hard work; v. make...pain, pain, pain

41 hurt hurt, (make) pain

42 safety a. insured; n. safety


43 offer n. offer, proposal; v. offer, bid, attempt

44 refuse n. waste, garbage; vi. unwillingness, refusal; vt. refuse

< p>45 helpful a. Helpful, beneficial

46 treat n. Feast, hospitality; v. Treat, treat, process, treat

47 burn n. Burn , burn; v. burn, burn, burn, burn

48 spotty a. spotted, stained, rash

49 belong v. belong to< /p>

50 belong to

51 author n. author; vt. creation, writing

52 picnic n. picnic; v. (go to) picnic

53 hair band hair band

54 possibly ad. Possibly, maybe

55 drop n. drop, trace amount, fall; v. put down, drop

56 symphony n. Symphony

57 optometrist n. Optometrist, vision tester

58 appointment n. Appointment, appointment

59 algebra n . Algebra

60 crucial a. Crucial, decisive

61 count v. Calculate, regard as dependence; n. Count

62 final a . final; n. final

63 anxious a. anxious, worried

64 worried a. worried, troubled

65 owner n. owner, owner

66 Oxford University Oxford University

67 chase n. pursue, hunt; v. hunt, chase, pattern on metal

68 sky n. sky

69 creature n. creature, animal, person

70 catch n. capture, trap, catch; v. catch; catch up with, understand, infect

71 unhappy a. Unhappy, unfortunate, inappropriate

72 extremely ad. Extremely, very

73 interview n. Interview, interview, interview; v. interview, interview

74 noise n. sound, sound, sound, noise, noise; v. rumor

75 wind n. wind, smell, volume; v . wind up, winding, winding

76 neighbor n. neighbor; v. adjacent, living next to each other, friendly

77 footstep n. footsteps (sound), footprints


78 garbage n. garbage

79 mystery n. mystery, mysterious things

80 director n. director, manager, supervisor, instructor, director

81 monkey n. monkey; v. messing around

82 escape n. escape, refuge equipment; v. escape, avoid, slip away; [computer] code change


p>83 bark n. bark; v. bark, call

84 smell n. taste, smell, sniff; v. smell, detect, smell

85 finger n . Finger, pointer

86 lift n. Lift, help, high-spirited; n. Elevator; v. Raise, lift, dissipate

87 stone a. Made of stone; n. stone; vt. throw stones at...

88 ant n. ant

89 dishonest a. dishonest

90 pretend v. pretend , pseudonym

91 use up use up, use up, exhaustion

92 attempt v.&n. attempt, try; vt. try, try

93 Hemingway (① surname ② Ernest, 1899-1961, American novelist, won the 1954 Nobel Prize for Literature)

94 Mark Twain Mark Twain

95 fred Frey Virtue (name)

96 prefer v. prefer, rather, propose

97 lyric a. lyrical; n. lyric poetry

98 gentle a. Mild, elegant

99 dislike v. Dislike, dislike; vt.&n. Dislike, dislike

100 remind of Make...recall, think of

< p>101 heart hB:t n. heart, center, key point; v. muster up courage, inspire

102 string strIN n. line, a string, a string of words; v. string together, into a string, Tighten

103 sink sINk n. Receiving end, ditch, sewage tank; v. sink, make...lower, sink

104 Yellow River Yellow River

< p>105 fisherman 5fIFEmEn n. fisherman

106 latest 5leItIst a. latest, latest

107 entertainment etE5teImC:nt n. entertainment

108 feature 5fi :tFE(r) n. Characteristics, appearance; n. Characteristics, features, characteristics

109 photography fE5tCgrEfI n. Photography

110 gallery 5gAlErI n. Art gallery, gallery


111 photographer fE5tCgrEfE n. photographer

112 display dI5spleI n. display, display, show off; v. display, performance, boast

113 on display display; exhibition

114 photograph 5fEJtEgrB:f n. Photograph; v. Photography, photography

115 interest 5IntrEst n. Interest, hobby, interest; v. To interest...

116 class klB:s n. Class, class, type

117 whatever wCt5evE(r) a. No matter what; det. No matter what, no matter what; pron.&conj. No matter what< /p>

118 miss mIs n. Miss; vt. Miss; vt. Miss, miss

119 energy 5enEdVI n. Vitality, energy, ability, energy


0 okay 9EJ5keI ad. Okay, okay, okay

121 pro prEJ n. Expert (agree); ad. Positively

122 con kCn ad. (commonly used plural) opposing views

123 honest 5CnIst a. Honest, upright

124 suit su:t n. Suit, lawsuit, request; v. Suit, please, Satisfy

125 expect Ik5spekt v. Expect, hope, expect

126 sweet swi:t a. Sweet, cute, pleasant; n. Candy, dessert

127 taste teIst n. taste, taste, taste; v. taste, experience

128 to be honest (insert) to be honest, to be honest

129 be bad for harmful to...

130 actually 5AktFJElI ad. actually

131 fry fraI n. (US) French fries; v. fry, fry


132 mainly 5meInlI ad.

133 stay away from

134 be in agreement

135 itself It5self pron. itself, itself

136 laboratory lE5bCrEtrI n. laboratory; experimental building

137 type taIp n. type, variety, style, model; v. typing; n. typeface, font

138 cancer 5kAnsE(r) n. cancer

139 barbecue 5bB:bIkju: n. barbecue; v. barbecue

140 barbecued meat barbecue meat

141 increase 5Inkri:s n. increase, enhance, improve; v. increase, improve

142 risk rIsk n. risk, danger; v. risk... danger

143 biscuit 5bIskIt n. biscuit

144 main meIn a. main; n. main part, trunk

145 exclamation 9eksklE5meIFn n. exclamation , exclamation words

146 tag tAg n. label, appendage, name; v. attached with tag, trailing, decoration; n. mark, marker

147 tag question Irony question

148 contraction kEn5trAkFn n. contraction, abbreviation, disease

149 shock FCk n. shock, conflict, shock; v. shock, conflict, make... electric shock

150 care 5keE n. Care, care, worry; v. Care, care, affection, mind; abbr.=Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe Remittances to European cooperatives

151 carmen 5kB:men Carmen

152 Dan Dervish Dan Dervi Poems

153 tiring 5taIErIN adj. Tiring

154 educational 9edju(:)5keIFEnl a. educational

155 peacefu

l 5pi:sfl a. Tranquil, peaceful

156 fascinating 5fAsIneItIN a. Charming

157 thrilling 5WrIlIN a. Creepy, exciting

158 take it easy calmly, relaxed, not nervous

159 Florida 5flCrIdE n. Florida [US state name]

160 trek trek vt. Hard trek (march); n. Hard Trek

161 Amazon 5AmEzEn n. Female Warrior

162 fall fR:l n. Autumn, fall, waterfall; v. Fall, fall, coming

163 Niagara Falls Niagara Falls

164 touristy 5tJErIstI a. Tourists like

165 spotlight 5spCtlaIt n. lighting, headlights; public attention center

166 consider kEn5sIdE(r) v. consider, think, think

167 lively 5laIvlI lively, active, lifelike, real

168 Eiffel Tower Eiffel Tower


169 Notre Dame Cathedral

170 church 5tF\:tF n. church

171 convenient kEn5vi:nIEnt a. convenient

172 underground 5QndEgraJnd n. Underground, subway, tunnel, secret activity; a. Underground, secret; ad. Underground, secretly

173 general 5dVenrEl n. General, general, generally; a. Generally, generally; v. to command, to be...general

174 in general usually, generally, generally speaking

175 wine waIn n. wine, wine


176 translate trAns5leIt v. Translation, explanation; change, transfer, transfer

177 pack pAk n. Package, group, pair; v. Pack, bundle, stuff

178 light laIt n. light, bright, lamp; a. light, bright, easy; v. ignite, catch fire, brighten

179 wonderful 5wQndEfl a. excellent, wonderful of

180 Ace Travel a travel agency name

181 provide prE5vaId vi. supply, provide; vt. provide

182 provide with to... provide, to ...Equipment

183 firm f\:m a. Firm, solid, strong; ad. Firmly, firmly; n. Firm, company; v. (to make) solid

184 spot spCt n. Spot, place, spot; a. On the spot, actual transaction; v. Spot, recognition, illuminated with light

185 Confucius kEn5fju:FIEs n . Confucius

186 sail seIl v. sailing

187 pacific pE5sIfIk a. Pacific; n. Pacific

188 finding 5faIndIN n. discovery, discovery, decide; vbl. discover

189 as soon as

possible as soon as possible

190 continue kEn5tInju: v. continue, continue

191 programming 5prEJgrAMIN n. planning, design; vbl. planning, design

192 translator trAns5leItE n. translator

193 sportspeople n. sports enthusiasts, athletes

194 conclusion kEn5klu:Vn n. conclusion

195 come true realize, achieve< /p>

196 attitude 5AtItju:d n. attitude, opinion, posture

197 clean up clear; clean up

198 hunger 5hQNgE(r) n. hunger, desire , famine; v. Hungry, making... hungry, eager

199 homeless 5hEJmlIs a. homeless

200 Cheer up Cheer up! Lift up your spirit!