Basically, high-end medical equipment, cell phone chips, and large-scale CNC machines are all dependent on imports, resulting in a lot of industries that would not be able to survive without imports. For imported goods, perhaps many people think that only in the food or camera-based, but in fact, many of China's high-end technology is dependent on imports; especially in the medical equipment as well as chips, although the domestic also developed but far from being able to beat the foreign advanced equipment.
One, the domestic high-end medical equipment and CNC machines, most of which are direct references to foreign advanced technology
China does have its own development of medical equipment and CNC machines, but from the efficiency and use of the situation can not beat foreign machines, after all, the development of China's science and technology is relatively late. There is an understanding of the medical and industrial use of people will find, in fact, a lot of advanced large-scale equipment are imported from abroad, after all, on the technology and efficiency of the really high; especially in the medical field, basically rely on imports of the main domestic as a secondary situation, after all, foreign technology is relatively mature.
Two, common cell phone chips, cameras and other equipment, are relying on foreign advanced equipment imports, not domestic production
In addition to large-scale equipment, in fact, most of our common cell phone and camera accessories are introduced from abroad. Although many brands use their own research chip or camera, but for the more popular is basically through the foreign introduction of accessories; if there is a day that foreign goods can not be introduced into China, we will obviously find that those phones completely lose their own color, after all, the introduction of foreign accessories is actually very common, after all, the technology is still limited.
A variety of high-end large-scale equipment, or small but technically demanding accessories, are mainly dependent on the introduction of imports are mainly looking forward to domestic technology to occupy their own market faster.