Injection molding machine adjustment method
Depending on what kind of products the beer is generally simple products, the first pressure to 100 or so, speed 80 or so, the second pressure to 70 or so, speed 65 or so, the general products can be injected in two sections of the material, if it is not a high temperature material, the first to the fifth section of the temperature is too probable in 200 185 150 130 50 30 is almost the same melt, small products, the melt, the melt is generally melted 110, the second section of 100, shot back 10 injection time 3-6 seconds, cold glue time according to the mold and product adjustment 7-12 seconds. 110 and so on the second 100 shot back 10 shot glue time 3-6 seconds cold glue time according to the mold and product adjustment 7-12 seconds Simple products should be no problem according to the above adjustments Difficult to get a little bit of the product to adjust the back pressure temperature shot glue pressure shot glue time cold glue time adjusting the mold of the loose tight and so on .