What is the phone number of Xiamen Hongai Maternity Hospital Co.

Xiamen Hongai Maternity Hospital Co. Ltd contact information: company phone 2337825, 公司邮箱lifeifei@chinacdc.com, the company has 6 contact information in Aiqiqi***, which has 4 phone numbers.

Company Profile:

Xiamen Hong Ai Maternity Hospital Co. Ltd. is a limited liability company established on 2017-10-12 in Huli District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province, with a registered address at No. 501, Jingshan Middle Road, Huli District, Xiamen City.

Xiamen Hong Ai Maternity Hospital Co., Ltd. legal representative You Xingquan, registered capital of 200,000,000 (yuan), is currently in the state of operation.

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