The Future of Supply Chain Financing

Four factors determine that supply chain financing programs will be around for a long time.

First, the need for the bank's own development. With the continuous reform of the financial system and the accelerated entry of foreign banks, Chinese banks are faced with an increasingly market-oriented financial market and increasingly homogeneous financial products, and maintaining their core customers and exploring new customers require banks to continuously innovate, especially the innovation of financial products. Excessive development and introduction of new financial products will make it difficult to control risks, so the development of lower-risk financial products is an inevitable choice for banks. Supply chain financial products rely on core enterprises to develop their upstream and downstream SMEs. What's more, supply chain financial products target the SME market and will obtain a large number of SME deposits, collection and payment and other intermediate business.

Secondly, the need for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. With the continuous development of small and medium-sized enterprises, the demand for funds is also increasing. In the case that the existing guarantee system is not perfect and the cost of financing is high, SMEs are eager for financial institutions to develop a product that does not require too much collateralized fixed assets, and is convenient and low-cost to finance, while supply chain financial products rely on the core enterprise's stable operating ability and good reputation, and rely on the upstream and downstream partner's inventory pledge or accounts receivable pledge, to provide financing for the partners, filling the The gap of financial products, has a good prospect for development.

Once again, the need for the development and growth of Chinese enterprises. Along with brand building, technological innovation, mergers and reorganization, more and more outstanding Chinese enterprises are becoming core enterprises in the division of labor in the world-class supply chain. The growth of supply chains centered on them is a necessary precondition for the continuous development and expansion of Chinese enterprises, and effective financial support will promote and accelerate the growth of these supply chains.

Finally, China has formed a number of large enterprises with core competitiveness, such as Lenovo, Huawei, ZTE, Founder, Tongfang, Wave, Patriot, Fiberhome, etc. in the IT field, which are leaders in the marketized economy, follow the rules of the market operation, attach importance to business negotiation and cooperation, and strictly follow the payment methods agreed in the business contracts. For upstream suppliers, financing products based on pledge of accounts receivable can be given.

Based on the above judgment, supply chain financial products have good market prospects. However, because supply chain financing is an emerging field, it is necessary to study what risks exist in the bank, what can be controlled and what can not be controlled while bringing the convenience of financing to SME customers.