How much does the average nursing home f

The average cost of a nursing home in China is $7 to $26.

The basic cost of a street or private nursing home in all districts is about 7 to 9 yuan per month, with a difference of 5 to 1 yuan for each level of care, while a nursing home room with a bathroom, heating and electrical equipment is usually about 1 to 12, and a welfare social welfare institution and senior citizen apartments are slightly more expensive, with the average monthly cost of a single room being about 15 yuan, a double room about 12 yuan and a quadruple room about 1 yuan, all including care and meals. Around 12 yuan per month for a double room, and around 1 yuan per month for a quadruple room, all of which include nursing care and meals.

Nursing care hospitals have the same medical charges as general hospitals, and the price of nursing care is a bit higher than other types of nursing care facilities: the average room for three or more people, out of the cost of meals, outside nursing care, etc., 17 to 18 yuan per month, a double room is roughly 22 yuan per month, a single room is 26 yuan, couples need to live together, according to the different conditions of single beds, double beds, etc., the price is slightly different. The price is slightly different according to different conditions such as single bed, double bed and so on.