What are the performance data of the Russian Su-37 fighter?

Armament: one GSh-30-130mm gun 150 rounds, 14 external mounting points 18,075lb of ammunition including air-to-air missiles R-73/R-77AAMs, air-to-ground missiles AGMs, bombs, rockets, sub-tanks, and electronic warfare pods ECMs. 12 external mounting points for up to 14 air-to-air missiles, air combat with R-73E short-range It can carry R-73E short-range infrared guided air-to-air missiles and RVV-AE active radar guided air-to-air missiles for air combat, and various infrared and radar guided missiles including X-29T/L, X-59M, X-31P/A for opposite attack, and KAB-500 and KAB-1500 high-precision bombs with laser or TV guidance systems.

Major airborne equipment: all-weather/all-altitude digital multifunction long-range forward-looking N011 radar with phased-array antenna, capable of tracking up to 15 targets simultaneously, N012 rear-viewing radar, electro-optical surveillance and targeting system, laser rangefinder, radar and missile launch warning receivers, foil/electronic jamming decoy dispenser, LCD electronic display equipment, helmet mounted displays and so on.

Powerplant: two Liulica Design Bureau experimental AL-31FU additive turbofan engines with thrust vector control, which are designed to target 83.3 kN of static thrust and 142.1 kN of additive thrust.