I teach you a simple way to do it You take a radio (to open the state of the) put next to the gall bladder If the radio has obvious fluctuations on the proof of radiation, the greater the fluctuations, the greater the radiation!
What software can detect the size of the radiation?
No, that is, there is also a fraud must be detected with professional tools
Please teach how to measure electromagnetic radiation
Vector analyzer or network analyzer + special detection probe
Electromagnetic radiation detection
Electromagnetic radiation pollution is also known as the electronic fog pollution, high-voltage lines, power stations, radio stations, television stations, radar stations, electromagnetic wave transmitter towers and electronic instruments, medical equipment, and so on. Transmitter towers and electronic instruments, medical equipment, office automation equipment and microwave ovens, radios, televisions and cell phones and other household appliances work, will produce a variety of different frequencies of electromagnetic waves, these electromagnetic waves fill the space, colorless, tasteless, invisible, can penetrate any material, including the human body, when the intensity of electromagnetic radiation exceeds the limits of the human body or the environment can withstand will cause pollution to the human body.
Some people who have been exposed to stronger or longer electromagnetic wave radiation have already had pathological manifestations, mainly reflected in the impact on the cardiovascular system: manifested as headaches, palpitations, some women menstrual disorders, bradycardia, decreased heart blood flow, sinus arrhythmia, leukocyte and platelet reduction, fatigue, reduced immune function and so on.
Effects on the nervous system: manifested as memory loss, easily agitated, insomnia.
Effects on the visual system: for the clouding of the eye crystals, causing cataracts in severe cases, which is irreversible organic damage and affects vision.
Impact on the reproductive system: manifested in reduced sexual function, men *** lower quality, so that pregnant women have spontaneous abortion and fetal malformation.
Patients with pacemakers are exposed to high levels of electromagnetic radiation, which can affect the normal use of pacemakers. Prolonged exposure to high electromagnetic radiation can cause changes in blood, lymph fluid, and cellular protoplasm, affecting the body's circulatory system, immunity, hormone secretion, reproduction, and metabolic functions, and in severe cases accelerate the proliferation of cancer cells, inducing cancer, as well as diabetes, hereditary diseases and other conditions, and even leukemia may be induced in children.
Detection method: HJ/T 10.2-1996 Radiation Environmental Protection Management Guidelines - Electromagnetic Radiation Monitoring Instruments and Methods
Detection specifications: HJ/T24-1998 "500kV ultra-high voltage power transmission and transformation project environmental impact assessment of electromagnetic radiation technical specifications"
GBZ/T189.1- 2007 Measurement of Physical Factors in the Workplace, Part 1: Ultra-high Frequency Radiation
GBZ/T189.2-2007 Measurement of Physical Factors in the Workplace, Part 2: High-frequency Electromagnetic Fields
The above is answered by the Beijing Dayuan Environmental Inspection and Technology Research Center, and thank you for adopting it.
How to detect indoor electromagnetic radiation
There are many places to test: 1, the local CDC. Nail, local environmental monitoring station. 3, testing companies. Generally use omni-directional field strength meter or microwave leakage detector for testing, the instrument should be calibrated with metrological markings to use.
How to detect indoor radiation
The simplest way is to use the radio, turn off all electrical appliances in the house, turn on the radio, preferably with a multi-band, choose a few bands to go back to no station (no signal) to listen to the murmur, the murmur is big that radiation, and vice versa, the radiation is small, the method of comparison is in the house and outside the house.
Electromagnetic radiation detection
Generally use the field strength meter (electric and magnetic fields) and subjective spectrum analyzer to test. Both testing instruments and methods can refer to national standards or regulations (GB 8702-88 electromagnetic radiation protection regulations, GB 9175-88 environmental electromagnetic wave health standards).
Can electromagnetic radiation signal be measured? How to measure
There are instruments to measure radiation. If only a rough test of radiation, such as microwave ovens, televisions and other home appliances, you can use the radiation Ding test instrument. If you want to qualitatively analyze the distribution of radiation sources, intensity, frequency and other parameters to use a spectrum analyzer or signal receiver
There is something to test the intensity of radiation
A simple test of the intensity of home appliance radiation -
The experiment begins, take a small radio, tuned to the medium-wave band, in a variety of open appliances near the move, the more serious the interference indicates that the greater the radiation, the results of the experiment are as follows:
rice cooker radiation is extremely weak, almost no interference;
refrigerator body rear interference is more pronounced, but it does not yet affect the listening;
television outside of the meter almost no interference, in the range of 0.2 to 1 meter interference Obviously, the radio has a very obvious cacophony, within 0.2 meters of the interference is extremely serious, almost impossible to hear the broadcast, and the rear of the body than the front is more serious, which fully demonstrates that the radiation of the television is also relatively large;
The situation of computers and television is similar to that of the computer, where the computer mainly refers to the monitor, generally speaking, ordinary monitors are more radiation, while the LCD monitor is virtually no radiation;
Induction cooker results p>
Electromagnetic furnace results are quite amazing, there are still 2 meters away from the electromagnetic furnace when the interference has been quite obvious, the distance of 1 meter, has been almost interference to the point of inability to listen to, and the distance of 0.5 meters within the radio has not been able to work, completely murmur, the normal radio is completely covered, and there is a very short murmur of regularity, which is a good example of the electromagnetic furnace The amount of radiation is staggering.
(ii) in the household appliances, electromagnetic radiation is more harmful to the television, computer, combined stereo, cell phones, electric blankets and so on. Electromagnetic radiation will not only cause palpitations, insomnia, bradycardia, sinus arrhythmia and other symptoms; long-term in a high-radiation environment, will make the blood, lymph fluid and cell protoplasm changes, affecting the body's circulatory system, immunity, reproduction and metabolic functions, and in severe cases will also induce cancer.
The bedroom is the main place where people rest, and sleep when the physiological functions slow down, the human body resistance to decline, this time if in the electromagnetic radiation, the harm is more serious.
Home appliances of all sizes can use the word "mountain". Piles of household appliances, but also brought a mountain of electromagnetic radiation.
Be alert to these appliances into the bedroom
Bedroom: "bedside stereo" do not put the bed
The bed is probably to be regarded as the measurement of the electromagnetic field of the home of the main event. If you sleep in a place with a high magnetic field for a long time, you can imagine how big the impact is. It is also known that the so-called "bedside stereo" should not be placed at the head of the bed. In principle, any electrical appliances should be kept away from your bed. Travelers always complain about poor sleep quality, in fact, it is likely that the hotel beds placed near the electric heater, fan, air freshener, air conditioning and other electrical appliances, it should be known that a small electric heater can be as high as the magnetic field of 200mG or more. Microwave ovens: microwave damage to small boys some microwave ovens have extremely high magnetic fields. Unlike other home appliances, even if it is only plugged into the electricity without using it, some models of the front keypad magnetic field can still be as high as 30 ~ 60mG, when using the magnetic field is more than 200mG. In addition, studies show that these leaks of microwave damage to the male reproductive system is particularly large, so the little boy should be avoided.
Refrigerator: Dust on the radiator pipes
The refrigerator is a high magnetic field in the kitchen, especially when the refrigerator is in operation and humming, and the magnetic field released by the radiator pipes on the back side of the refrigerator or underneath the refrigerator is dozens or even hundreds of times higher than that of the front side (1-9mG measured in the front and back range of the refrigerator, and as much as 300mG in the center of the back side). If the efficiency of the refrigerator is not high, the humming sound is particularly long and large, if you use a vacuum cleaner to remove the dust on the cooling lines, it will improve the efficiency of the refrigerator, but also reduce the magnetic field at home.
Non-lighting small mosquito lights, do not underestimate it, its magnetic field can also exceed 500mG, it should be placed in the corner.
Many parents let their children play in front of the TV or watch it too close, knowing that developing children are more disturbed by magnetic fields than adults.
Computer: LCD monitor radiation is smaller
If your computer desk is too small, forcing you to be too close to the screen, it may be worthwhile to move the monitor back as far as possible, of course, replaced by an LCD monitor, the radiation is quite small. As for the computer host, the general public is also easy to ignore and often placed in the leg side of the position, in order to facilitate the insertion of disks. The magnetic field in front of the host can exceed 4 mG, the more backward the higher the magnetic field, so can be placed farther away as far as possible. There are often a bunch of wires and transformers underneath the computer desk, so keep them as far away from your feet as possible.
Older computers are more harmful!
Cell phone chargers: keep your distance
Low-voltage power supplies with transformers generally have high magnetic fields, and can Ohio to more than 300mG at the place where they are wired, but at a distance of only 30cm away ......