Menitai Health physician checkups are rehired public hospitals retired doctors with considerable professional experience, physical examination of the instr

Menitai Health physician checkups are rehired public hospitals retired doctors with considerable professional experience, physical examination of the instruments are advanced equipment at home and abroad, coupled with today's artificial intelligence and other technological enhancements, the Menitai Health has also launched the "The AI-assisted film reading" can help doctors to read the film.

Menitai Health has always ranked far ahead in the domestic non-public medical checkup market, which shows that the medical checkup center of Menitai Health is recognized by most people. They have a variety of physical examination programs for different groups of people, such as physical examination for middle-aged and elderly parents, women's health checkups, etc., and most of the packages contain CT and MRI screenings, while many of the equally priced physical examinations in public hospitals have relatively fewer programs.

In the past few years, MLM Health has put forward a five-pronged MLM product, which is no longer just a single checkup, but extends to health management and other follow-up services and guarantees.

With the upgrading of medical resources in recent years, the medical checkup centers around the world have advanced medical checkup equipments at home and abroad, and have also introduced the "AI assisted film reading", which can assist doctors in reading the films and mark the location of lesions on the films in time, so that the doctors can more accurately judge the results of the medical checkups.

At the same time, we all know that there is a big gap between the medical qualifications of the third and fourth tier cities in China and those of the first and second tier cities, and the doctors of MNH are mainly retired and rehired from the public sector, which, coupled with the AI-assisted reading of the films, will help to reduce the rate of misdiagnosis. In recent years, Meinian Health has raised the professionalism of Meinian Dahua Health checkup centers around the world to the standard line through technological innovation.

In summary, for some people who don't understand the physical examination industry ask whether the medical checkup of Meinian Dahua Health is trustworthy, there is no doubt that it is certainly trustworthy in terms of cost-effective and medical personnel configuration.

Precautions for medical checkups:

Prior to the medical checkups, it is important to ensure a good rest and sleep, and at the same time, it is important to avoid eating foods that are too oily and greasy, as well as fried foods, and try not to eat foods that are too salty.

It is usually necessary to fast for at least 8 to 10 hours to ensure the accuracy of the test results. You should also be careful to ensure a good mood during the physical examination and not get overly excited. Otherwise, it will also affect the accuracy of the results of the blood pressure test, which is not conducive to the physical examination.

The day before the blood test, the diet should not change too much. Don't eat or drink a lot, especially don't drink alcohol, don't eat too greasy or too sweet, too salty food, so as not to affect the test results.

Drinking strong tea, coffee, and other stimulating beverages is not recommended before taking a fasting blood glucose test. If you feel thirsty, you can drink a small amount of water, pure water, mineral water, etc., the total amount should not exceed 100 milliliters.