Memory Loss Symptomatic Treatment
Memory is a psychological process, it is the impression of what people have experienced and what has happened, which is processed and preserved in the brain, and is extracted and recalled when it is needed. Adult memory changes with age, which is a physiological change and a normal aging of memory. In addition, memory is also related to physical health conditions, such as brain tumors, diabetes, alcoholism, hypothyroidism, neurosyphilis and other diseases can cause memory loss. At the same time memory and mental health also has a very important relationship, long-term social pressure, depression, low self-esteem, anxiety and other psychological state can also cause memory impairment.
Memory loss is not exclusive to the elderly. In the general outpatient clinic, often see many people young patients? Complaints of the existence of the inability to remember things? The problem of memory loss, such as losing things. Doctors usually treat this part of the patient's practice is to give some puzzle drugs, but due to the symptoms, the effect is not good. Memory loss often puts the patient into a state of anxiety and stress, and depression is also a cause of inattention, which manifests itself as a decline in concentration. The presence of these symptoms increasingly aggravates the patient's low self-esteem, but such patients often use memory loss as the main complaint only, avoiding emotional problems. The problem of memory loss caused by psychological factors is not difficult to solve, the key is to clarify the cause of the disease, the right medicine.
Beijing Friendship Hospital Neurology Psychology Clinic doctors and nutrition experts engaged in special research suggest that patients with memory loss should pay attention to the following points in their lives:
1. Adopt a positive and healthy lifestyle, and usually live a regular life.
2. Carry out self-regulation correctly, pay attention to maintaining optimism and a positive mindset, especially in the face of stressful events in life, learn to de-stress yourself and maintain physical and mental health.
3. Objects placed in a relatively fixed position, put back to the original position after use, for some important things can be taken with a pen to record the way? Develop good living habits.
4. Patients should pay attention to supplementing their diets with fresh fruits and vegetables and foods such as corn, whole wheat, beans, garlic, mushrooms, milk, sardines and lean meat.
5. A certain amount of ginkgo biloba extract and vitamin E can be taken every day.
Foods that are good for memory:
Drinking grape juice regularly is good for prolonging life. Proper consumption of wine has the same effect, but since alcohol has a paralyzing effect on the nerves, grape juice is a better choice. Grape juice contains more antioxidants than any other fruit or vegetable and improves transmission in the nervous system. In addition to life-extension benefits, grape juice can also improve memory in the short term.
Wild blueberry fruit is rich in antioxidants and can remove impurities from the body. Tests on mice have shown that long-term intake of blueberry fruit can accelerate the growth and differentiation of neuron cells in the hippocampus of the brain, improve memory, prevent the weakening of balance and coordination as we age, and reduce the chances of high blood pressure and stroke.
Other memory-enhancing foods
Some brain-boosting foods are actually common and inexpensive things. Such as egg yolk, soybeans, lean meat, milk, fish, animal offal (heart, brain, liver, kidney) and carrots, cereals and so on. These foods are not only rich in lecithin and easy to digest, but also have a positive effect on the development of children's brain marrow.
1?Milk. Rich in protein, calcium and brain essential vitamin B1, amino acids. Calcium in milk is most easily absorbed. A cup of hot milk helps you sleep when you are over-exerting your brain or have insomnia.
2?Eggs. Known by nutritionists as a complete protein model, the human body absorption rate of 99.7%. Normal people can meet the needs of one egg a day. Memory loss people eat 5 to 6 a day, can effectively improve memory (not suitable for people with high cholesterol). Children from a young age to eat eggs properly, beneficial to the development of memory; especially egg yolks, egg yolks contain lutein, egg calcium and other essential nutrients for brain cells, can enhance brain vitality.
3?Fish. Can provide the brain with high-quality protein and calcium. The fatty acids contained in freshwater fish are mostly unsaturated fatty acids, which can protect the cerebral blood vessels and promote brain cell activity.
4?Shellfish. Carbohydrate and fat content is very low, almost pure protein, can quickly supply the brain a large amount of chitin. Thus it can greatly energize the brain, improve mood as well as enhance brain function. Using shellfish as an appetizer provides the fastest boost to brain power. But shellfish are more likely than fish to accumulate toxins and pollutants from the ocean.
5?MSG. The main ingredient is monosodium glutamate, the only amino acid that participates in brain metabolism, which will increase acetylcholine in the brain and can promote intellectual development, maintain and improve brain function and memory.
6?Peanuts. Peanuts and other nuts rich in lecithin, eating can improve blood circulation, inhibit platelet aggregation, to prevent the formation of cerebral thrombosis, can slow down the decline of brain function, enhance memory, delay aging, is a veritable "fruit of life".
7?millet. Containing Vitamin B1 and B2 higher than rice 1 ~ 1?5 times. Clinical observation found that eating millet is beneficial to brain health, can prevent aging.
8?Corn. Corn embryo is rich in a variety of unsaturated fatty acids, cerebrovascular protection and lipid-lowering effect. Glutamic acid content is high, can promote brain cell metabolism, has the role of brain health.
9?Yellow cauliflower. Yellow cauliflower can calm the mind and relieve depression, but should not be eaten raw or single fried, so as not to be poisoned, in order to dry and cooked to eat as well.
10?Pepper. Vitamin C content tops the list of vegetables, carotene and vitamin content is also very rich. Capsaicin contained in chili peppers can stimulate the sense of taste, increase appetite, promote blood circulation in the brain. The "spicy" flavor is also a hormone that stimulates the pursuit of career success in the human body, making people energetic and active thinking. Raw food is more effective.
11?Spinach. Rich in vitamin A, C, B1 and B2, is one of the best supply of brain cell metabolism. It also contains a large amount of chlorophyll, also has a brain-boosting effect.
12?Oranges. Oranges, lemons, mandarins, pomelo, etc. contain a lot of Vitamin A, B1 and C, is a typical alkaline food, can eliminate a lot of acidic food on the nervous system caused by the harm. Eat some oranges in moderation during the exam, can make people energetic.
13?Pineapple. Rich in vitamin C and trace elements of manganese, and less calories, often eat has the effect of the spirit, improve memory.
14?Carrot. Can stimulate the brain substance exchange, reduce the pressure of back pain.
15?Avocado. Contains a lot of oleic acid, which is a source of energy for short-term memory. Half an avocado a day is enough for a normal person.
16?Algae. Rich in chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals, proteins, can improve memory and concentration.
17. cabbage: rich in vitamin B, can prevent brain fatigue.
18. Soybean: Containing methionine and rich in protein, consuming moderate amount of soybean or soybean products every day can enhance memory.
19. Fungus: contains protein, fat, polysaccharides, minerals, vitamins and other nutrients for the brain good.
20. apricot: rich in vitamin A, C, can effectively improve blood circulation, to ensure adequate blood supply to the brain, is conducive to the brain to enhance memory.
So, when people have the best memory, everyone's situation is different, there are some differences, to figure out their own best time to learn, the human brain has a certain pattern of activity in a day: generally speaking, 8 a.m. when the brain has a rigorous, thorough thinking ability; 3 p.m. when the ability to think the most agile; 8 p.m. when the strongest memory; the ability to reasoning in the daytime 12 hours gradually Weakening. According to these laws, just get up in the morning, people's imagination is richer, seize the time to capture some inspiration, do some conceptual work, read the language and recite English words, because the morning air is fresh, to participate in some physical exercise; morning to do some rigorous work, listen carefully in class, take good notes; afternoon in addition to listening to the class, to quickly and accurately do a good job of the day's written assignments; night to strengthen the memory and comprehension, preview the homework for the next day. Midday and evening gap time on the arrangement of some effortless transactional work, such as reading the newspaper, collecting writing materials, walk and rest.
Dizziness is a phenomenon in which blood flow to the brain decreases due to dilation of blood vessels in the skin.
This phenomenon can be caused by too much exposure to the hot sun, taking a hot bath for too long, or being nervous or angry.
In addition to the above, vitamin deficiency, hormonal abnormalities, menopause or autonomic nervous system disorders are also factors that can cause dizziness. Depending on the cause, dizziness can be categorized as follows.
Only the face is hot, while the hands and feet are cold -- most often seen in women in their 50s. This is mostly due to hormonal imbalance during menopause. The endocrine glands and hormones in the human body are able to cope with the body's activity and the external temperature, and have the function of regulating the body's smooth operation. During menopause, the secretion of sex hormones decreases and even stops, resulting in many changes in the body, including stiff shoulders, headaches, dizziness and cold hands and feet.
Sudden onset of dizziness: This is a disorder of the autonomic nervous system. It can also be called a kind of vasomotor nerve. Mostly in women, accompanied by headache, dizziness, tiredness and lower body cold and other symptoms.
Frequent dizziness with generalized fever: If accompanied by intense palpitations and body tremors, it is a phenomenon of hyperthyroidism, which is due to the excessive secretion of thyroxine that makes the metabolism vigorous, and feels generalized fever and dizziness at any time.
Additionally, it could be high blood pressure. If the blood pressure stays high and the dizziness persists with a headache, there is a risk of stroke, so pay special attention to it.
If the dizziness is accompanied by any other symptoms, it is important to consult a physician.
If dizziness is not caused by a disease, it can be improved without medical attention. It is also important to take moderate exercise and eat more food that contains vitamins, proteins and iron.
Carrot juice can cure the cold caused by dizziness
The hands and feet and waist cold, and dizziness phenomenon, is likely to be dysautonomia or menopausal disorders caused by.
Carrot can warm the body and suppress dizziness, which is suitable for people with these symptoms. If you add honey, the effect is even more pronounced.
Carrots can also strengthen the stomach and intestines, help digestion, laxative; therefore, it is a very good food for people with weak stomach and intestines, loss of appetite and constipation. Especially for those who have been constipated for a long time, carrots are more effective when mashed into a puree. Especially raw carrots are the most effective.
Carrot juice
1, 500 grams of carrots, cut into the appropriate size, placed in a mortar and pestle into a puree.
2, wrapped in gauze, squeeze out the juice.
3. Add one tablespoon of honey to the carrot juice.
Kelp decoction can prevent hypertension and goiter
Kelp has the effect of lowering blood pressure, so it is very effective for dizziness caused by high blood pressure; it also contains a large amount of iodine, which has been regarded as the treatment of abnormalities of the thyroid gland since ancient times, so it is suitable for dizziness caused by goiter. In particular, the decoction of kelp is most effective.
Thirty grams of kelp and 600 grams of water, decocted until the amount of water is reduced by half, three times a day, drink on an empty stomach.
Treatment of dizziness
1, lie down and rest in the most comfortable state, and loosen the clothes on the body.
2. If there is fever, apply ice packs.
3. Dim the lights in the room to make the body and mind relaxed and calm
4. If it is caused by dysautonomia, the feet will feel hot, but if they are cold, it is best to keep them warm.
Other recommendations:
Spinach can cure dizziness caused by high blood pressure. Spinach blanched in hot water and stir-fried in sesame oil can be consumed regularly.
Methods of treating dizziness
Method 1:
Eggs and brown sugar for dizziness
Soybean oil in the right amount in the pot to burn hot, will be 2 eggs, 30 grams of brown sugar (put a little bit of water to stir) poured into the pot to fry, take on an empty stomach, and served for 10 days. In order to consolidate the effect of treatment, can also be served for a few more days.
Method 2:
Herbal diet for dizziness
With 25 grams of Chinese herbs Herbal Hedgehog, shelled egg, 50 grams of rice, cooked into thin porridge, can be added with the right amount of oil, salt, monosodium glutamate seasoning. Cooked, remove the fence slag and eggshell, 2 times a day to eat porridge and eggs, generally eat 3 days, dizziness and headache symptoms that have significantly improved. This medicine porridge is not only sweet and delicious, can treat dizziness and headache, but also has the role of auxiliary antihypertensive.
Method 3:
Duck egg and red beans for dizziness
Duck egg, red beans 20, stirred steamed, morning fasting, once a day for 7 days
Method 4:
Withdrawal of grass soup for dizziness
Summers withered grass 25 grams, 15 grams of raw white peony, 25 grams of raw juniper berries, scutellaria baicalensis 10 grams.
Use: first decoction of the first three flavors of the medicine, put 3 teacups of water, simmer for 30 minutes, take down from the fire, a little pause and then add the scutellaria, decoction for 5 minutes that is, every morning and evening to take 1 time. After taking it, you can feel the lightness of the head and eyes, and there are no other side effects.
Method 5:
Chrysanthemum for dizziness
Chrysanthemum function to lower blood pressure, brighten the eyes and detoxification, treatment of dizziness, headache, tinnitus and dizziness, and can make the urine clear and long. People with high blood pressure can use chrysanthemum pillows, which are helpful for women with dizziness caused by liver-yang fire and restlessness at night. The wild chrysanthemum can be added to the oil citrus leaves, mung bean shells or Tongzhi silk, dried in the sun to be cold into the pillow bag and then sewed tightly can be.
Method 6:
Jasmine stewed eggs
Rest with a black cloth over the eyes, and eat stewed partridge and jasmine stewed eggs for breakfast.
Method 7:
Exercise for dizziness
A new study shows that elders who are often dizzy can see a dramatic improvement in their situation by simply continuing to do some simple, easy exercises.
Joni, a psychologist at the University of Southampton in the UK, said in the latest issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine that exercise therapy can reduce the symptoms and discomfort of chronic vertigo, and that the earlier exercise therapy is started, the better the results will be, ideally starting immediately after the first sign of dizziness.
She said dizziness is a common condition, usually caused by problems in the inner ear, but it can cause great inconvenience to patients, especially the elderly, such as being prone to falls, or being reluctant to go out or even unable to live independently for fear of falling. At present, there are few treatment options for vertigo other than prescription drugs with limited effects. In fact, some simple exercises, such as eye, head and body movements, can cure dizziness and can be done by anyone without any equipment, but doctors usually do not introduce them to their patients.
She led a study in which 170 patients with an average age of 60 and frequent dizziness were divided into two groups to receive either exercise training or general medical care; the exercise group was taught by a nurse to exercise for half a day. After a few weeks, the nurses interviewed each patient twice to offer advice and help boost confidence, and then tested each patient's condition at three and six months.
At three months, two-thirds of the exercise group showed a significant improvement in dizziness, compared with one-third of the "standard care group" at six months.
Joni said that patients in the exercise group had more incentives to participate in dizziness treatment, so they were more willing to do daily head exercises. She said that just getting patients to really experience the benefits and drawbacks of exercise could help them continue to do dizziness treatments