China Unicom's Internet of Things positioning includes which of the following areas

This Internet of Things includes vehicle monitoring, personnel positioning, and the medical field.

1, through the Internet of Things card inserted into the vehicle terminal, you can obtain real-time vehicle location information, and combined with maps and other tools to visualize its trajectory, in traffic management, vehicle scheduling, etc., more efficient management and monitoring.

2, in the public *** places or specific areas, through the Internet of Things card implanted into the ID card or other personal belongings, you can real-time access to the location of the individual information, for security precautions, emergency rescue and other aspects of great significance.

3, medical staff, patients wear positioning tags, medical equipment installed positioning tags, positioning data through the IoT gateway to the cloud platform, the system can monitor the hospital patients in the activity of the real-time location of the regional scope of the position and movement trajectory, and to provide transboundary alarms and other information services, in the hospital patients encountered in an emergency situation, you can through the wear of the positioning tags to achieve a key call.