Why ercp surgery is not reimbursed

ERCP is a minimally invasive procedure, which is generally reimbursed, but the reimbursement rate is not very high because some non-medical equipment and contrast media are used during the procedure, which is usually in the range of 40%-50%.

ercpThere are many benefits of choledochotomy:

1. No anesthesia is necessary, the procedure is quicker, and the recovery is faster.

2. There are no incisions after the procedure.

3. There is no need to keep a T-tube, which can help patients shorten their hospitalization time and save hospital fees.

ercpDisadvantages of choledochotomy:

1. If the patient is combined with intrahepatic bile duct stones, it is difficult to remove the stones cleanly.

2. This procedure is not recommended if the patient has severe stenosis of the lower part of the common bile duct.

3. It may affect the function of the sphincter of Oddi to some extent and cause sphincter dysfunction.

4. It may cause bile duct reflux or cholangitis.

ERCP, also called transendoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, is a more commonly used clinical treatment. With the continuous progress of imaging technology, ERCP has become the preferred diagnostic and therapeutic method for biliary and pancreatic diseases, which is more and more recognized by the patients in the clinic. Choledocholithiasis is a common clinical disease, which can be treated by ERCP. The use of ERCP to remove choledocholithiasis is safe, and what are the advantages and disadvantages in the process of removing stones, for the above questions, please Yangjiang People's Hospital Deputy Chief Physician Lin Yongliang detailed answer for us.

Is ERCP safe for removing common bile duct stones?

ERCP is relatively safe for removing choledochal stones. The first complication is bleeding, and the second is perforation, but with the advancement of medical equipment and the improvement of surgeons, the complication rate is still relatively low, and it belongs to a kind of controllable category, and the overall safety of the surgery is still relatively good.

How much is ERCP for choledocholithiasis?

The overall cost of ERCP for choledochal stone removal is between 15,000 and 25,000 yuan, which is not much different from the cost of open surgery because of the equipment used. However, the overall cost is cheaper compared to surgical procedures as it requires less and shorter hospitalization, other medications and further treatment.

The pros and cons of ERCP for choledochal stones are as follows:

1. The procedure is minimally invasive or even non-invasive;

2. The procedure does not require much from the patient himself and can be tolerated by most of the patients;

3. It does not interfere with the secondary surgery;

4. The stone can be removed equally well as compared to the open surgery. The downside is that for stones that are too big, too hard or too many, it may not solve the problem in one go and will have to be done in stages, although the splitting will not affect the outcome of the surgery.

When using ERCP to remove bile duct summary stones, it is important to be strict about the indications for the procedure and to assess the risks of the procedure. Before the operation, the patient and his family must sign an informed consent form, so that the family and the patient fully understand the operation process, the benefits of the operation and the possible complications. Patients should fast for 6 to 8 hours before surgery to prevent the effects of treatment.