What dentures are better
Ceramic teeth are better! Fixed dentures: is often referred to as braces, and is divided into metal crowns and ceramic crowns. Where is the difference? Metal is harder, wear-resistant, suitable for back teeth; ceramic is more beautiful, but more brittle.... Suitable for front teeth. Activity dentures: can be taken on and off the dentures called, usually more in the missing multiple teeth patients, the entire denture is by hooks hooked on the teeth as a part of the support does not fall Implant implants: in the alveolar bone part of the missing teeth area, planted with titanium implants, integrated with the bone, and then after a period of time ranging from 4 to 6 months, the implants made on top of the desired denture First, almost all the places where the missing teeth can be worn with activity! First of all, removable dentures can be worn in almost any area where teeth are missing, but they are most commonly used in patients who are unable to have fixed dentures, and in patients who have monetary considerations. Simply put, if you can get fixed dentures, get fixed dentures, and if you can't, get removable dentures. For those who have more financial means, they can have the consideration of implants. For a detailed comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of various kinds of dentures, you can refer to the author's article "The Myth of Dental Implants"! Because of the dentures for the self-pay part, the health insurance does not pay, so many people shopping around, want good quality and cheap dentures, shopping around is right, always good to ask more, but more than the quality, not the price, dentures is not a commodity, a lot of people can not recognize this point, which includes the medical behavior and quality. In terms of price, it ranges from 5,000 to 15,000. The price of a metal crown lies in the amount of gold content... And the inside of a porcelain tooth is usually lined with metal as well... The higher the gold content, the more expensive it is... So what are the health benefits of having more gold? Gold has excellent ductility and its physical properties are the closest to the dentin of the teeth, making it less prone to wear and tear, which makes it physiologically compatible with the body! First of all, let's clarify a concept, dentures rarely break, usually broken are inside the teeth, so please do not say my dentures broken .... Then there is another misconception... Some people think that if they have dentures, their teeth are protected and they will be fine for the rest of their lives... What a mistake.... If that's true, then it's better for everyone to get dentures so that no periodontal disease 'cavities' will come to me... Really? Announcing the answer:The most frequent cause of denture failure is tooth decay !!!! Why do cavities occur? Because after dentures are installed, special attention should be paid to cleaning, but many people think that with dentures, everything will be fine, completely ignoring the importance of oral hygiene... With dentures, instead of flossing 'interdental brush to use the opportunity to be more diligent is also the responsibility of the dentist, in addition to making money, please also tell the importance of hygiene to the patient, once the tooth decay, the teeth of the dentin will be reduced, so the denture will be easy to shake, plus the bite force, so it is easy to break.... In order to treat the dentures, it is necessary to remove them... And it is the amount of tooth mass left that determines the future course of treatment! There is no such thing as an expiration date for dentures, as long as they are comfortable to use and there is no clinical condition or symptom, there is no need to replace them regularly! This is a common problem... Often teeth that have had root canals are more fragile, so dentists recommend braces to protect them, and there are some cases where people have braces without having a root canal. Usually, the tooth next to the missing tooth area must be sacrificed in order to make a denture, so the two teeth next to it that are alive and well do not need to do root canal treatment... Or the tooth decay is very large, but has not yet injured the nerve, also applies to the case of not doing root canal treatment, for those who have doubts about the root canal treatment, please refer to the author of the article "pumping nerve phobia"... When there is very little dentin left in the tooth, a nail must be driven into the root of the tooth to make the necessary supporting part of the tooth before dentures can be placed on it, which is called a denture, and this is subject to an additional charge and is not included in the cost of dentures, and the dentist has the obligation to inform the dentist of this! In the process of making dentures, in order to protect the remaining dentin, and to avoid the teeth that have been trimmed from being affected by the growth of the gum tissue next to them, and to avoid the trouble that will occur when trying on dentures in the future, we will make resin crowns that will be temporarily glued to the teeth, which should be included in the cost of making dentures, and will also be used in the teeth that are being treated with a root canal, but this is an additional charge! Dentures are fitted because of the inconvenience of eating, but they also need to be taken care of. First, do not eat "tough" things, cold doughnuts or other cold fried food easily embedded in the denture, so that the denture loosening, sticking off. Second, do not eat small walnuts, pine nuts and other things with hard shells, because dentures generally can only tolerate about 3 kilograms of pressure. Third, the incisor part of the denture is not vertical, when eating food, it is easy to make the denture and the palate between the injection of air, resulting in the denture off, so try not to use the incisor part of the denture to eat raw pears, apples, sugarcane and other foods. Fourth, do a good job of cleaning the dentures, take them off before going to bed, brush them clean, and then put them into your mouth the next morning. 1. When you first put on dentures (whether movable or fixed), if you feel that the dentures are too big for you to feel comfortable, you can't pronounce your words clearly, you can't chew naturally, the gums of the bed of your teeth will be abraded, it is inconvenient for you to swallow, you can't wear out the cheeks of your mouth or the tongue, as well as bad breath and bad odor, you should ask the dentist to study the improvement immediately, or you can just need to repair or redesign them a little. It may only take a few minor adjustments or redesigns, or it may just take a little more practice and getting used to. It is up to your dentist to decide, and you should work closely with your dentist to get a correct denture.2. You should put on or take off the denture in the right direction, and press down or take out the denture with your hand in a smooth way, and you should not bite down the denture directly, which will not only create difficulties in putting on or taking out, but also cause harm to the teeth or soft tissues that are being hooked, and may also deform the denture. When you find that the hook of the movable denture is loose, you should ask the dentist to adjust it, and never adjust it by yourself to prevent the hook from deformation or breakage.3. Since the movable denture is made of resin, it is flammable, so it can't be close to the heat or baked, and can't be cleaned by the gasoline, oil, organic solvents. If you want to clean it, you can take it off after each meal with a soft-bristled toothbrush dipped in soap powder to wash it, after wearing a day should also be taken off, put it in water to avoid deformation. As for the plaque or calculus on the top of the denture, you can first use plaque display agent to make it visible, and then use a kind of special denture cleaning solution to clean it. In addition to the denture to clean, each time also need to its neighboring teeth or hooked teeth especially careful cleaning, sometimes can be used to small gauze strip back and forth pulling way to remove the teeth adjacent to the denture surface. 4. If the gums are inflamed, the dental bed or soft tissue pathological changes, nausea and vomiting, surgery and coma, the movable denture must be immediately removed and properly stored, and then continue to wear it when everything is back to normal. 5. 5. If it is fixed dentures, because it can not be removed for cleaning, so in addition to brushing in the correct way to brush, and need to pay attention to the denture bridge and gum gap, if there is food residue can not be removed, can be rinsed by water jet, or flossing through the bottom of it, back and forth to pull the way to remove. Regular checkups and scaling by a dentist are also required to prevent dentures from becoming discolored due to food contamination. In conclusion, we should always pay attention to keep dentures clean and follow the dentist's instructions to wear them in order not to suffer unnecessary losses and pain. Dentures contact the gap between the real teeth and the flesh of the teeth, which is prone to breeding plaque and accumulation of food debris, causing decay of the adjacent real teeth and periodontal disease, so the care of dentures and nearby teeth is very important. When you brush your teeth every morning and evening, you should especially clean the teeth near the dentures, especially the surfaces that are in contact with the dentures, and you can use a toothbrush, a single-ended toothbrush, dental floss or a gap brush. After each meal, rinse your mouth. If possible, it is best to remove your dentures and rinse them with water before wearing them in your mouth. Dentures also need to be cleaned morning and night with toothpaste or cleaner, brushing the parts of the dentures that touch the real teeth and flesh, especially the inner sides of the metal hooks. Use a denture cleaner to clean your dentures on a regular basis, but it does not replace the step of cleaning with a toothbrush. It is also important to remember that you should never sleep with your dentures in; clean them and soak them in cold water when you are not wearing them. By spending just a few extra minutes each day, you can maintain a neat appearance, fresh breath, and your teeth and dentures will last long enough to maintain optimal chewing function at the same time. Maintenance and Cleaning of Fixed Dentures: After fixed dentures are set, if you don't pay attention to brushing, plaque will accumulate in the crevices and at the bottom of the dentures, which will easily decay the teeth that support the dentures, and the chances of suffering from periodontal disease will also increase. Cleaning fixed dentures is recommended to use special dental floss, which can clean the bottom and sides of dentures, and can also be used to clean the gaps of other teeth in the mouth. A dental brush can also be used for fixed dentures with large gaps. In addition, after fixed dentures are restored, you should have regular follow-up appointments with your dentist, who will provide you with professional guidance to improve your oral care skills. There are two main types of methods for cleaning dentures: mechanical and chemical. Mechanical methods include scrubbing with toothbrushes, toothpaste and tooth powder, or ultrasonic washing. Chemical methods include a variety of commercial washing solutions, disinfectants and enzyme products. Patients with movable dentures can remove their dentures for cleaning on their own, take them off for cleaning after every meal, and do not wear them to bed. At night before going to bed, you should take off the dentures and then brush your teeth, and brush and clean the dentures, soak them in cold water, you can't soak them in hot water or scrub them with alcohol, soaking them in hot water can deform the dentures, scrubbing them with alcohol can make them crack. Pay attention to take teeth, teeth and brush teeth, do not force too hard to avoid causing denture ring breakage, deformation. And scrubbing dentures can not use hard bristles to avoid damage to the surface structure. Dentures can be sterilized with disinfectant. For example: available "woodpecker disinfectant generator" liquid diluted by 1:30 dentures put invasion bubble or gargle, can eliminate the accumulation of tartar in the teeth, teeth, reduce plaque adhesion, so that the teeth white, conducive to maintaining oral hygiene and maintain the beauty of the dentures, especially the front teeth color will be more lifelike. At the same time, it can clean and sterilize the oral cavity, and even have certain preventive effect on chronic pharyngolaryngitis, tonsillitis or other infectious oral inflammation, which is a triple win. Fixed denture hygiene maintenance is relatively simple, mainly with a toothbrush, dental floss and toothpicks and other cleaning tools to get rid of the denture surface, edges and other places of impurity, to reduce the plaque adhesion. Dentures made of polymer material or porcelain should not be bitten or chewed too hard or sticky food, so as not to damage or fall off. In addition, dentures wear appropriate, the general public will think that there is no problem, you can wear a long time, this idea is wrong, because after a long time, not only the oral tissues will be some changes, that is, the dentures will also have problems, and these problems, due to the patient has been adapted to the dentures, but once you feel uncomfortable, the problem may be more serious, so as to affect the health of real teeth in the mouth or the effect of re-set teeth. Therefore, after wearing dentures, you should go to the dentist's office regularly. Therefore, after wearing dentures, you should go to the hospital for regular checkups. Generally speaking, half a year to a year should be checked to ensure that the use of dentures and oral tissue health.