How much money is needed for hotel and guesthouse washing equipment

Generally the most important equipment are: dry cleaning machine, dryer, ironing machine, steam generator and so on. The main scope of application is the hotel, hotel, hospitals and other some of the sheets are covered with cleaning, the investment is generally more than 100,000 yuan, open the washing plant, first of all, the local washing industry to carry out a survey, how many local hotels and guest houses, whether or not they have their own laundry, the cloth is how to wash, how long to wash a washing, washing the amount of how much, the local washing plant is not a lot of competitors to do How. If through the investigation found that the opening of the washing plant fabric washing is a very marketable investment, then it is recommended to invest, which is able to make money the necessary conditions. Carruthers washing plant, I wish you early success in business!