Scalpel handles and blades, dermatome knives, wart stripping knives, lancets, spatulas, shaving knives, dermatome scrapers, picking knives, sharp knives, pedicure knives, manicure knives, dissecting knives
Ordinary surgical scissors, tissue scissors, integrated tissue scissors, dismantling scissors, plaster scissors, dissecting scissors, gauze bandage scissors, educational surgical scissors
Ordinary haemostatic forceps, small-vessel haemostatic forceps, mosquito type haemostatic forceps Tissue forceps, carbide inserted needle-holding forceps, ordinary needle-holding forceps, traumatic clip suture removal forceps, skin rolling forceps, bullet forceps, gauze peeling forceps, sponge forceps, pawpaw forceps, dermatotube forceps, instrument forceps
Small blood vessel tweezers, nondestructive tweezers, tissue tweezers, orthopedic tweezers, needle-holding tweezers, health care tweezers (simple tweezers), plucking tweezers, pawpaw tweezers, dressing tweezers, anatomic tweezers, hemostatic tweezers
Aneurysm needles, probing needles, Hair-pushing needles, hair-planting needles, picking needles, straight-pointed needles for teaching purposes, venous pulling hooks, trauma hooks, flat pulling hooks, double-ended pulling hooks, skin pulling hooks, anatomical hooks
Blade grippers, anesthesia masks, anesthesia openers, illuminated suction heads, acne removers, blackheads and acne press-outs, skin scraping spoons, skin sets of scraping, skin scraping testers, skin checking rulers, skin tissue drilling devices, openers, and rolled cottons
Dental tines, tines, root tines, dental files, bone hammers, dental spatulas, root canal fillers, periosteal separators, gingival separators, scalers, scrapers, pickers, scalers, adhesive powder fillers, silver amalgam fillers, crowning devices, mouth mirrors, endodontic needle handles, water lance tips, hot air lance tips, blow tubes, occluders, impression trays, amalgam conveyors, molar ring positioners, ligature bars, rings, and other devices that are used for the extraction of teeth. Ligature rod, ring pusher, arch wire formers, measuring device
Steel pin screw positioning frame, positioning outer sleeve, bone hammer, quick-change tap set, tensioner, nail forceps, depth gauge, tapping screws, artificial femoral prosthesis pressurized fixation device, CD rod pusher, CD hook pusher, nail extractor, wrench, mallet bone tool, prosthesis punch-in, guide, extractor, bone rotary chisel protector, bone compression device, Fracture Fixation Clip, Pressurizer, Spacer, Hip Molding Drill Handle, Hip Cap Perforator, Artificial Hip Acetabular Locator, Artificial Elbow Joint Rod Exiters, Triple Winged Nail Punch and Extractor, Plaster Spreader, Nail Bender, Knee Pressure Fixator, Bone Implants, Vertebral Bone Punching, Guiding Wires for Intervertebral Disc Surgery, Locator for Intervertebral Disc Surgery, Disc Surgery Probe, Sleeve Pin Cannula for Intervertebral Disc Surgery, Drill Limiter, Bone Driver, Guide Plate, Slot Hammer, Buckler, Adjustable Plate Holder, Bending Press, Hexagonal Universal Driver, Plate Bending Wrench, Orientator, Hexagonal Screw Driver, Coarse Needle Retractor, Femoral Extender, Small Incision Retractor, Multi-functional Retractor, Pelvis Spreader, Tibial Retractor, Bi-Jointed Deep Retractor, Thoracic and Lumbar Retractor, Vertebral Plate Retractor, Bone Sled, Orthopedic Retractor Frame, Bedside retractor