How to access your maintenance account for GE Color Ultrasound

Access to our company's proprietary back-office maintenance real-time support system for critical information support is available directly through your scanner console.

GE Color Ultrasound is the most advanced color ultrasound device available. Goes beyond the limitations of traditional ultrasound. It is capable of displaying real-time dynamic activity images of your unborn baby, or other internal organs of the human body, which are clearer and more realistic than 3D color ultrasound. Machine faults and treatments:

1, v730EXP BT02/BT08 ultrasound area is not normal

Treatment: check the CPRCPR

2, v730EXP BT02/BT08 startup, the monitor black screen, no display of faults.

Treatment: check the power supply

3, L500 scanning far field can not do the image

Treatment: check the power supply of the machine, re-shoveling and pulling the circuit board, it is recommended that the hospital to do the metal grounding

4, L500PRO color blood flow, sometimes there are artifacts

Disposal: change ACFP3 board.