How to choose a cloud server configuration?

For how to choose the right cloud server configuration, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the various parameter items to understand the following:

Core CPU

Like the human brain, CPU represents the computing power of the cloud server. For general websites, it is recommended to choose a CPU with more than 2 cores. if the website has a lot of traffic and more dynamic pages, quad cores or more cores are required.

Available memory

Memory is the relay station for data, and it is also an important factor in determining how fast a website opens. The larger the memory and the larger the available cache, the faster the website. Usually, the appropriate space is chosen according to the size of the website. If it is a general personal blog or company showcase site category, then 2G of RAM is sufficient. If it is a mall category or portal site, then the memory space is at least 4G.

Storage Hard Disk

The hard disk is where the data is stored. The size of the hard disk depends on the data size of the website. When renting a cloud server, the remaining space should be considered. The I/O reading speed of the hard disk directly determines the speed of file reading. You can opt for ssd solid state drives for faster speeds.

Network bandwidth

Look at the type of site, structure and access and other indicators, generally new sites, not much image processing, 2M bandwidth is enough, insufficient can be added, which is more secure. If it is an ordinary site, such as text, photo site, forum, etc., it takes up very little bandwidth. 5000 traffic may also take less than 4M bandwidth. If it's a video, download, etc. based site, hundreds of people would need to use more than 10M of bandwidth at the same time.

Operating system

This has to do with personal familiarity with the system and the specifics of the site. Which operating system one understands better, it is recommended to choose it. windows supports asp programs better but it takes more memory, Linux is more friendly to php programs with more memory and some programs may only support a single operating system.

Regional lines

If you are a local user, you can choose a single line cloud server, but the advantage of a multi-line server is obvious, for cities, there are different service providers for broadband such as telecom, netcom, great wall broadband. Among the regions where the cloud servers are located, try to choose the region where the target users are located so that the website opens faster.