1, lead poisoning
Propolis is mainly taken from the iron net cover of beehives, but its raw material is gum absorbed by bees from various plants. This kind of glue is greatly influenced by the environment, and air, soil and water may be polluted by heavy metal lead. So excessive consumption may lead to lead poisoning.
2, reduce the digestive function
Propolis contains a large number of antibacterial ingredients, which can kill gastrointestinal bacteria after eating. So many people clean up the gastrointestinal flora by eating propolis, but this kind of propolis can't tell the good from the bad, and it also has a killing effect on probiotics in the intestine. If you eat too much, it will reduce your digestive function.
Step 3 dislike
The ingredients in propolis are very complex, which is mainly related to the kinds of raw materials collected by bees, especially these raw materials are mostly pollen and belong to highly allergic substances. So people with allergies may be allergic to propolis.
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/www.baidu.com/link? URL = ymc 55y 2 tndhtyt qqkfvyffvi 6 vmfhdq 2 FSP _ YxYJ-vw3gkqkn 5 cpj 7 tjldt 8 p _ qxfxvsgabhrphulhchazcyn 3 haoegpv 30 Sr _ ygtjsxo & amp; Wd = & ampeqid = ef3c133a000c1a1c00000025dE20b "target =" _ blank "title =" People's Network-Who shouldn't eat propolis? "> People's Network-Who shouldn't eat propolis?