What do animals bring to the table?

The one-piece shark suit: athletes want to achieve good results in the game, equipment is naturally very important. The use of high-tech sportswear can make the athletes like a tiger. Sydney Olympics, the bionic technology of the one-piece shark suit changed the pattern of the entire world swimming world, almost more than half of the gold medal winners are shark suit users. The first generation of shark suits mimicked the skin of a shark by designing some rough, toothy protrusions on the suit to effectively direct the current and tighten the body to avoid skin and muscle tremors. The second generation of the Shark Suit has added some new highlights with the addition of a material called "Elastic Skin", which reduces resistance in the water by up to 4%. In addition, two accessories have been added: a titanium-silicone cushion attached to the forearms to make swimming easier, and a vibration control system attached to the chest and back of the shoulders to help guide the current.

Sight for the blind: After implanting tiny bionic retinas, three blind patients not only saw bright or moving points of light, but even managed to distinguish between a cup and a plate with their eyes. This is a recent development presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Vision and Ophthalmology. The researchers said they developed a bionic retinal sheet with an area of only 4 by 5 millimeters, equivalent to about one-third of the normal retina of the human eye. It is made of silicone and platinum materials, with 16 electrodes on it, which can be attached to the natural retina after implantation, and its working principle is to stimulate the patient's retinal cells that have not yet completely lost their function with electrical signals, and transmit visual information to the brain through the optic nerve, thus partially restoring eyesight. The bionic retina is primarily used to treat patients with retinitis pigmentosa. But researchers estimate that the technology, when improved, may also benefit blind people who were born blind.

Synthetic spider silk: If you've ever gently pushed on a spider web, you've felt it drag and stretch before it breaks. It is through this stretching process that spider silk absorbs much of the energy that makes it one of the most resilient materials in the world. For years, people have fantasized about making clothes out of spider silk, and now that fantasy is slowly becoming a reality. Spider silk contains a fibrous protein that is similar to keratin, which is found in hair and sheep horns. This protein is secreted and begins to toughen. By finely balancing the water content, spiders and silkworms can prevent the fibrous protein from solidifying too quickly. In the near future, artificially created spider silk will be able to be used to make clothing or super-strong ropes.

Neuronal function simulator for motion direction recognition

Automatic target annunciator

Flat plate compound eye lens

Lateral suppression of shimmering TV




Source: CAS Xiangshan Science Conference

Respondent: there is a 6 - Assistant II 2-18 13:50

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Bionics is an emerging science that is developing quite rapidly, and bionics is mainly a science that utilizes the characteristics and habits of animals in nature to study the application of their characteristics. Animals living in the ocean are one of the most important animals for scientists to study the application of bionics. Now several marine animals and their bionic applications are introduced.

Tuna Tuna is one of the fastest moving marine fish animals, tuna will reach about 80 kilometers per hour when feeding. At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the United States, scientists used the tuna as a model to build a 1.2-meter-long robotic fish called "Charlie" and began testing it in a tank. The scientists have pushed the discovery into technical applications.

The fish's caudal fin can be used as both propulsion and guidance, and given this feature, the results of the research, which analyzes the tuna's shape on a computer, have already provided fin propulsion for surface vessels. Moreover, the movement of the robotic fins has been improved to allow them to swim freely in corners. Scientists have also studied the tuna's skin in hopes of obtaining better streamlining characteristics.

Salmon Salmon are capable of living in swift currents. Although their locomotion system is much like that of tuna, there are differences. Not only are salmon able to control themselves freely, but they can also launch themselves at lightning speed, immediately reaching speeds of 14 kilometers per hour from an immobile state. How are they able to do this? Apart from the frequency of the tail wagging, usually the bigger and longer the fish is the faster it swims. Scientists have found that salmon can swing their tails 15 times per second when accelerating. Thus, its bionic value is extremely high.

Penguins Penguins look awkward on land, but are unusually agile in water. To find the ideal pattern of streamlining, scientists mounted miniature measuring instruments on the penguin's back and recorded the distance, depth and speed of its daily movements. To take photographs, the scientists also fitted a special waterway in the Antarctic. Through further experiments, it was discovered that the penguin moves differently from fish, relying almost exclusively on its flippers to propel itself, suggesting that the penguin's body has evolved into an optimized paradigm of large volume and low resistance. Moreover, the fact that its body barely changes shape in the water makes modeling experiments very simple.

Sharks Sharks have lived in the oceans for 350 million years and can reach high speeds of more than 70 kilometers per hour. Scientists examining the skin of deep-sea sharks under a microscope accidentally discovered that the shark's scales are fan-shaped and have small grooves. However, in conventional wisdom, the smoother the surface the less resistance it produces. So the scientists assembled hundreds of model scales at different angles to form an artificial test surface. The results of the tests showed that the friction loss was 10 percent less than on a smooth surface, and the new discovery immediately found a technical application. The bionic skin was used to wrap the outer surfaces of Airbus aircraft, reducing annual fuel consumption by 350 tons per aircraft. If such skins were fitted to planes traveling around the world each year, the fuel savings could be worth billions of dollars, and the carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides that contribute to the greenhouse effect would be greatly reduced.

The animal bionics of a large number of movements in Shaolin Quan shows that Shaolin Quan has inherited the bionic tradition of guiding the "bear through the bird" of the Chinese ancestors, and the tradition of creating the Five-Animal Play by imitating the specialties of the tiger, the deer, the bear, the ape, the bird, and so on, which is the tradition of Hua Tuo. The natural bionic and life bionic movements in Shaolin Quan also strongly reflect the simple flavor of the local culture, emanating the "naturalness of things".

Synthetic spider silk

Spiders are the focus of scientists' attention because they can make several very useful things, including spider silk, one of the world's strongest materials. "If you've ever nudged a spider web, you've felt a dragging stretch before it breaks," says Paula Hammond, a professor of chemical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "It's through this stretching process that spider silk absorbs a lot of energy, and that makes spider silk one of the world's one of the most resilient materials."

For years, people have fantasized about making clothes out of spider silk, and now that fantasy is slowly becoming a reality. Researchers first need to understand how spiders make silk, which is the key to synthetic spider silk. Spider silk contains a fibrous protein that is similar to the keratin found in hair and goat horns. This protein is secreted and starts to become tough. Previously, scientists did not understand this process, so it has not been possible to create fibers that are as strong as spider silk. But researchers at Tufts University in the United States have recently discovered the secret of how spiders and silkworms produce this fiber. Amazingly, the entire process is controlled by water content. By finely balancing the water content, spiders and silkworms can prevent the fibrous proteins from solidifying too quickly. Dr. Kaplan has been able to simulate this process in the laboratory. In the near future, artificially created spider silk will be able to be used to make clothes or super-strong ropes. By then, everyone will be able to be Spider-Man with a spider's silk in his hands.

Spider venom could become an insecticide

Scientists also hope to create an ideal insecticide with the help of spiders. An insecticide that kills pests but is not toxic to other insects, as well as people and animals. Australia's funnel spiders secrete a venom made up of more than 100 compounds, several of which have been found to kill only specific insects. Glenn King, a scientist at the University of Connecticut in the United States, said, "These compounds are isolated from the venom, and then a special method is used to put these compounds on a virus that is only interested in certain insects so that the virus can transport the compounds to the pests and kill those pests." If scientists could synthesize these compounds in the lab, they could create insecticides that are completely harmless to the environment.

Snake venom made into stain remover

Another type of venom from snakes will help scientists make better stain removers. Devin Iimoto, a Japanese-American chemist at Wheat College in California, and his students have extracted an enzyme from the venom of the Florida waterbelly snake that removes blood stains from clothes. People have used enzymes made by bacteria to produce stain removers, but using enzymes from animals to produce stain removers is new. The snake-derived enzyme breaks up dried blood stains and adhesions between clothing fibers. The research is still in the experimental stage, and there's no word on which companies have already added the snake venom enzyme to stain removers.

Mussels Offer New Ideas for Adhesives

Other animals could also provide good fodder for new human inventions. Mussels, for example, can cling to rocks or concrete piles, and if you look closely, you can see dozens of thin fibers sticking out of the mussel. The mussel has an organ called a "foot" that attaches each filament to the surface of a stationary object. The Purdue researchers found that the mussel needs iron to form its adhesive substance, a metallic element never before found in bioadhesives. Most bioadhesives are protein-based, and when iron is added, the gelatin-like substance becomes hard. It seems that iron is necessary because other metals that can be processed by plant and animal cells do not produce this "hardening" process. The discovery could help scientists produce better adhesives, stainless materials and antifouling paints.

Goat's milk produces spider silk

Of course, making a product in a lab is very different from mass-producing it in a factory. For example, producing a snake enzyme decontaminant in a factory starts with getting the venom. But neither catching snakes, nor raising them in captivity, nor collecting the venom is an easy task. So scientists are growing cells in the lab that can produce snake venom. Spider silk is likely to go the synthetic route because spiders can't be bred like silkworms, and if you put two spiders in a cage, one will always eat the other. Hammond's research group started synthesizing fibers from polyurethane, and today they are able to produce fibers that are both soft and tensile. They are working on processes to make the fibers stronger using ultra-micro particles. Other researchers have applied modern biotechnology.

Researchers at a biotechnology company in Quebec, Canada, have transferred genes for spider silk production into New Zealand baby goats, which can produce 2-15 grams of spider silk per liter of milk. The company, which has breeding sites in Plattsburgh, N.Y., and St.-Thérèse-Fort, Quebec, hopes to produce five tons of spider silk a year.

Bionic morphology is a form of functional morphology. The bionic form has the organizational structure and functional elements of the general form, but at the same time, it is different from the general form, it comes from the designer's simulation of the biological form and structure of the application of the result of the inspiration of nature. Human beings live in the natural world, and the surrounding creatures are their "neighbors", and the various strange abilities of these creatures have attracted people since ancient times to imagine and imitate them, make simple production tools, and create dwellings. For example, Lu Ban in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period, from the serrated blade of grass "realized" the principle of the saw, some insects have feet shaped like a pair of pincers, used to catch prey, and in today's life and tools of production have been widely used.

The simulation of bionic forms has a long history of creation, but as an independent discipline is this century after the 1960s. Major J. E. Steele, a U.S. Air Force officer, pioneered bionics in 1958. Bionics is the study of how to create artificial systems with biological characteristics. Imitation is the basis of bionics. Inspired by the fruit of the maple tree, which spins down and floats a long way on its wing-like contours, came the gyroscopic winged toy, the prototype of the current propeller. The bionic prototype of the modern flying machine comes from the birds in the sky.

1?Bird wings function: upward force, propulsion. Functions of an airplane's wings: lift, propulsion requires an engine unit.?

2?The hollow structure of the bird's bones reduces the weight of the body and makes it suitable for flying in the air. Aircraft in order to reduce the weight of the fuselage, the use of aluminum alloy, ABS engineering plastics and other lightweight materials.?

3. The bird's free-flowing appearance reduces drag, and the airplane's streamlined shape imitates the bird's sprinting form.

Bionic form design is a better and diversified form created by people in the process of learning from nature for a long time, after accumulating experience, selecting and improving its function and form. Therefore, the source of information for human creation comes from nature's bionic modeling. Especially in today's information age, people's requirements for product design are different from those of the past, in which they only pay attention to the excellence of functionality, but pursue freshness and simplicity, and emphasize on returning to simplicity and exploring the self-discipline of individuality. Advocating bionic design, letting the design return to nature, and giving the design form a symbol of life is the **** knowledge that human beings have achieved for the spiritual needs.

I. Bionic form is the source of design innovation.

Luigi Colani, the famous German design master, once said, "The basis of design should come from the truth of the life presented in nature." This statement reveals the natural world contains endless design treasures of heaven. The conditions for the creation and design of bionic forms are to have the correct way of recognizing things, grasping the laws of nature, and refining the ability of self-innovation thinking. The second is to have a solid foundation of life, from nature, human society in the original situation to find design inspiration, including bionic design thinking training. People's traditional thinking is often limited to existing methods and systems, and the tentacles of thinking are not extended to touch the origin of things. "The Law of Gravity was not inspired by a classical theory born in a laboratory and finalized, but by the fact that Newton was inspired by the fall of an apple under an apple tree and linked it to the movement of the solar system and the earth, which led to the birth of this invention.

Scientific research has shown that many sensory features that humans do not possess exist in many animals in the living world. Such as jellyfish can feel the ice sound wave and accurately predict the storm; bats can feel the ultrasonic waves; eagle eyes can be from three thousand meters high in the air to keenly find the ground moving small animals; frog eyes can quickly determine the location of the target, the direction of movement and speed, and can choose the best attack posture and time. The mysteries of nature are innumerable. Whenever we discover a biological mystery, it may become a new design possibility and bring us a new way of living. In this sense, the excavation of bionic forms is an inexhaustible source of wisdom for our innovative design.

The bionic form is a formula for design problems.

In reality, many excellent technical achievements need to be transformed into products, and designers often struggle to find a good model to realize the good invention, which often becomes a problem. If we think of demand as a problem, then biomimetic thinking is to find the formula for solving the problem in nature. For example, when a supersonic airplane is flying, due to its high speed, it will cause the wing to flutter and hinder the movement, or even cause the wing to break and kill the airplane. The designers had to rack their brains to find a solution to this problem, but finally a weighting device was placed on the leading edge of the wing to solve the problem effectively. Later, people learned from zoology that the small dragonfly has a dark-colored area of thickened keratin above the leading edge of the wing - the wing mole. The naevus is the anti-fluttering device of the dragonfly. It is the mole that adjusts the vibration of the wings to enable the dragonfly to fly quickly.

The spatial form, structure and characteristics of everything in nature are the result of life instinctively adapting to the growth and evolution of the environment. In the study and research of bionic morphology, we explore the way of bionic morphology to solve the problem of designing products from the following aspects.

First, establish a model of biological functional form, study the functional role of bionic form, find the corresponding physical principles from biological prototypes , and form a perceptual understanding of the organism through the perception of the organism. Starting from the function, study the structure and form of the organism, and build a model of the organism on the basis of perceptual understanding and removing irrelevant factors. Qualitatively analyze the prototype and use the model to simulate the structural principles of the organism.

Second, from the structural form of organisms, study the bionic form, proportion and function. We use modeling techniques to quantitatively analyze living organisms, to grasp the structural scale of living organisms, and to explore their special functions and coordinated movement characteristics from their figurative forms and structures.

Thirdly, the bionic form directly imitates the local excellent function of the organism. For example, the torpedo shell made by imitating dolphin's skin reduces the forward resistance, and the fish-tail propellers used in ships can achieve greater thrust at low speeds. However, in the research and application of bionic forms, few details are imitated, but through the study of the structure and working principle of the living system, the scientific law of bionic forms is summarized.

Three, bionic form - a new concept of ecological design?

The bionic form contains a very clear concept of ecological design, because "in almost all designs, nature has given mankind the most powerful message" (Cockney). The bionic form is undoubtedly a new flag for the exploration of modern eco-design.

The main body of modern social civilization is composed of man and machine (product form). The purpose of human invention of machine is under the pressure of strong physical labor, make the machine instead of human physical strength and make human beings liberated, but to what extent the machine replaces human labor, the emergence of intelligent tools make the human individual competition faces with the machine strangulation. Humans themselves are not psychologically prepared for this. Humans in this civilization caused by the ecological disorders began to reflect and strive to find a new way out. "To establish a platform for dialogue between humans, nature, and machines, the philosophy of ****sheng strongly calls for the establishment of two cultural structures between humans and machines, between ecological nature and man-made nature, and for the reshaping of scientific and technological values and the status of human beings. Detaching from the visual inundation of machine-industrialized symbols of man-made forms and turning to the development of design forms from the natural native state is a strategy and a new concept of contemporary ecological design.

First, the habitability of bionic forms can bring people closer to machine forms. The evolution of nature's living creatures and the reproduction of species are adjusted and adapted logically and regularly in the ever-changing living environment. This is because the structure of living organisms has the conditions for growth and mutation, and it can discard old functions and adapt to new ones at any time. The fixed functional patterns of man-made forms and spatial environments inhibit the self-adjustment and adaptive relationship between humans and nature. Therefore, the design should be based on the natural and social attributes of human beings, and maximize the flexibility and adaptability of eco-design to meet individual needs.

Secondly, the bionic form contains the vitality of life. The form and structure of biological organisms form a sense of expansion of power in order to maintain themselves and resist mutation, which makes people feel a sense of self-consciousness of life and vitality, and arouses our potential consciousness of cherishing life, and in this kind of beautiful and harmonious atmosphere, man and nature are integrated and close to each other, which eliminates the antagonistic psychological uneasiness, and makes people feel happy and satisfied.

Thirdly, the singularity of bionic form enriches the formal language of modeling design. Countless organic life in nature (animals and plants) rich in form and structure, multi-dimensional changes in the level of clever color decoration and graphic organization, as well as their way of life, body language, voice characteristics, balance for our artificial form design provides a new design approach and the law of aesthetics. The sensual characteristics of living organisms that communicate with human beings will give us new inspirations.

The adhesion of soil to the touching parts of ground machinery seriously reduces productivity, and this has become a major technical problem that needs to be solved urgently. Certain organisms, especially soil animals, after billions of years of evolutionary optimization, have excellent adhesion reduction and desorption functions, in-depth study of the physiological laws and adhesion reduction and desorption mechanisms of soil animals will solve the problem of soil adhesion to the working parts of ground machinery. This project has carried out in-depth and systematic research work in this area, and achieved the following results:

1. Successfully carried out laboratory breeding of dung beetles for more than 30 days, and systematically revealed many of its morphological characteristics.

2. Preliminarily established the structure of soil adhesion model, and investigated the soil adhesion problem by means of spectral analysis, fractal analysis, and genetic algorithm.

3. The designed and developed bionic non-smooth plow wall can reduce the tillage resistance by 15%-18% and save fuel consumption by 5.6%-12.6%. Two bionic gradient wear-resistant surfaces were prepared using ZG25Mn2 and ZG75Mn13 steel as the matrix. The developed polymer-based composites showed significant improvement in abrasive wear performance when the externally added reinforcement material was within a certain range (generally not more than 10%), while their desorption and damping performance was much improved compared with that of the conventional tactile earth material (steel).

4, the design and development of the bionic non-smooth surface earth moving shovel, for the water content of 28.3% of the black clay, non-smooth earth moving shovel than smooth shovel drag reduction 13.1%-32.9%.

5. In accordance with the principle of bionic electro-osmosis, the bionic electro-osmosis coal bucket developed effectively solves the problem of coal adhesion and blockage. The bionic flexible desorption technology is used in the coal transportation mine car, which effectively prevents the coal from sticking and freezing and sticking.

With the needs of production and the development of science and technology, since the 50's, people have realized that the biological system is one of the main ways to open up new technologies, consciously take the biological world as a variety of technological ideas, design principles and the source of creative inventions. People have carried out in-depth research on biological systems with chemistry, physics, mathematics and technical models, which has contributed to the great development of biology and rapid progress in the study of functional mechanisms in living organisms. At this point, modeling biology was no longer a fascinating fantasy, but a fact of life. Biologists and engineers actively collaborated and began to use the knowledge gained from biology to improve old or create new engineering devices. Biology began to enter the ranks of technological innovations and revolutions in all walks of life, and was first successful in the military sectors of automation, aviation, and navigation. So biology and engineering and technical disciplines together, mutual penetration of a newborn science - bionics.

Bionics as an independent discipline, in September 1960 was officially born. By the U.S. Air Force Aviation Administration in Ohio Air Force Base Dayton held the first bionics conference. The central theme of the conference was "Can concepts derived from the analysis of biological systems be applied to the design of artificially created information-processing systems?" Steele named the emerging science "Bionics", a Greek word meaning the science of the functioning of living systems, which was translated as "bionics" in 1963. In 1963, China translated "Bionics" as "Bionics". Steele defines bionics as "the science of imitating the principles of biological systems to build technological systems, or to make man-made technological systems have or resemble biological characteristics". In short, bionics is the science of imitating living things. To be precise, bionics is a comprehensive science that studies the structure, qualities, functions, energy conversion, information control and other excellent features of biological systems and applies them to technical systems, improves existing technical and engineering equipment, and creates new processes, architectural configurations, automation devices and other technical systems. From the biological point of view, bionics belongs to a branch of "applied biology"; from the engineering point of view, bionics provides new principles, new methods and new ways for designing and constructing new technological equipments based on the study of biological systems. The glorious mission of bionics is to provide mankind with the most reliable, flexible, efficient and economical technical systems close to biological systems for the benefit of mankind.

Spiders are one of the most common arthropods in nature, with more than 35,000 species around the world, including ghost spiders, orb-web spiders, grass spiders, tarantulas, and flower spiders ...... from the sky to the ground, and from the land to the sea, and everywhere it can be found. Most spiders will spit silk web, spider web is not only ingenious, complex, and fully functional, fine equipment, traps are densely packed, online communication lines, alarm lines, line lines, dining room, wedding room, nursery and so on, just like a magical labyrinth. Spiders and humans have a close relationship, living in the field of spiders, is to protect the crops of the loyal "guardian of the earth": jumping spiders on the ground patrol; round spiders, nesting spiders in the plant foliage web; water tarantula blockade on the water surface. Whether flying in the sky, running on the ground, the water upstream, those ticks, leafhoppers, borers, aphids, rice borers, rice insects, flies, mosquitoes and other pests, it is difficult to escape the many spiders laid down by the dragnet. Study the mystery of the spider's various behaviors, human life, bionic, high-tech have significant practical significance.

Spider feeding mystery and cosmic voyage

Spider weaving a web, where "waiting for the rabbit" type of capture insects, this passive capture efficiency is also quite high, scientists are puzzled. Later, biologists at Yale University stumbled upon the mystery.

They found in the study of the evolution of certain species of spiders, spider webs reflect ultraviolet light is particularly strong, which is the mystery of the spider to catch insects? They placed two webs of the same spider in different places, one web illuminated with ultraviolet light and the other with visible light that did not contain ultraviolet light. It turned out that a swarm of fruit flies intentionally placed in the chamber actually flew toward the first web. The scientists deduced that the fruit flies mistakenly thought they were flying into the blue sky because the first net reflected enough UV light.

What's even more interesting is that spiders have adapted the optical properties of their webs as they've evolved. Less evolved species are used to making their webs in the dark, and their webs are all characterized by strong reflection of ultraviolet light. More evolved spiders, some of which move from dark places to brighter ones. In this way, the spider's hunting is a problem, it is still as in the past to make the web reflect a lot of ultraviolet light, but to make insects feel that the front is not the blue sky and there are some obstacles, insects recognize the spider's intention will not throw themselves into the web. However, the Taoist is one foot taller, the devil is ten feet taller. For highly evolved spiders, it is actually possible to make a web that does not reflect a lot of ultraviolet light. The fact that the vast majority of these webs do not reflect UV light, coupled with the UV light that is already present in brighter places, encourages insects to believe that it is still blue sky, and the beauty of this is that the spider adjusts the number and distribution of these knots as it creates new webs with different insect species.

The structure of a spider's web also has mysteries in it, and many people have seen insects struggling desperately to get onto the web. The fact that a spider's web doesn't break after such a tussle suggests that it is very strong and flexible, and it's a mystery where these properties come from.

Researchers at the University of Oxford have found that a spider's web is made up of two strands of different types of silk twisted together. The first is a dry, straight thread, the backbone and support of the web, which can only be stretched a maximum of 20 percent longer than it was before it breaks. Alongside the straight wire is another sticky spiral wire, which is specially designed to catch insects, and can be stretched to four times its original length, and will not sag after resuming its original form. Under a high-powered electron microscope, the spiral filaments can be seen to be surrounded by a layer of microscopic droplets of a gelatinous liquid, which is 80 percent water and the rest a mixture of fats, amino acids, and sugars. Each microdroplet contains a mass of filaments, and as the captured insect struggles to stretch the filaments, the mass of filaments in the microdroplet unfolds to increase the length of the filaments. When the captured insect stops struggling, the filament cluster automatically recovers.

Physicist Donald Edmonds and biologist Fritz Follaert of the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom, along with structural engineer Loran Lam of Irving Allup Partners in London, recently used electronic computer models to further analyze the spider's web and reveal its structural mysteries.

Edmonds said, "If a spider's web can't dissipate the energy of movement of an insect flying into it, the insect will either smash through the web; or it will be ejected from the web as if it were bouncing off a trampoline. What we found surprisingly after using this computer model was that aerodynamic damping had a dramatic effect on capturing these insects, and the entire web dissipated its motion energy as it fluttered up and down and back and forth through the air."

To confirm their findings through computer modeling, the three-person team reproduced the simulation in the lab. They fired Styrofoam projectiles from a small-caliber gun into real spider webs and measured their effects. On this experimental scale, they found that the air around the webs appeared to be very "sticky," much like the feeling of pulling a rope through water.

They also measured the equilibrium pressures and tensions in the web's unique geometry. They found that the forces were distributed over the entire surface of the web. They believe that the science of webbing will be instructive and useful in the construction of tent-like structures with many ropes.

Not long ago, biochemists at the University of Liverpool, England, from a poisonous spider living on the banks of the Amazon River in South America to extract their venom. The peculiarity of this venom is that it does not kill its prey (insects, small birds and rodents), but simply puts the poisoned critters to sleep for a long time, giving them a living food reserve for a long time.

Now biochemists at the University of Liverpool have re-synthesized a harmless hypnotic substance based on the composition of the venom of this poisonous South American spider. They intend to use the synthesized substance in astronauts to enable them to remain dormant during the long and tedious interplanetary voyages ahead, thereby extending their lifespans so that they can accomplish ultra-long-distance astronautical missions that are currently far beyond the reach of human lifespans alone.

Spider silk and versatile chemical fibers

Spiders have six spatulas at the back end of their abdomens, which are connected to three pairs of humorous protuberances with more than 1,000 holes on the body surface. When weaving a web, it spews out mucus, which is mainly composed of a kind of fiber protein. When it meets the air, it turns into tough, fine silk threads. Spider and then the fourth pair of foot foot metatarsal outside the pecten and the end of the claw, reeling spinning, combing, pulling, braiding and twisting, weaving into the web used by the silk. 200 grams of mucus pulled into the silk length can be around the Earth's equator a week; more than 1,000 filaments synthesized into a strand of the diameter of only human hair 1 / 10. spider silk is of great use to mankind, the ancient greeks used the silk wrapped around a wound in order to stop the bleeding; our country's medical books, recorded that the use of spider silk to cure the gold. Records, with spider silk treatment of gold sores bleeding, poisonous sores. People also use spider silk made of strong and soft gloves, hats, hanging bags, stockings, etc., exquisite and durable. Spider silk as fine as only five thousandths of a millimeter, was used by mankind to do precision optical instruments to help aim on the lens of the fork silk. Bionicists were inspired by the spider spindle protrusion to create the modern spinnerets of man-made fibers.

According to chemical analysis, the slender yet tough spider silk is determined by the ratio of the amino acid composition of the silk fiber elemental proteins. British technologists according to the composition of this silk ratio, is using genetic engineering techniques to produce spider silk, in order to artificially create a natural spider silk with the same high-performance bulletproof lightweight spider material.

U.S. researchers are also interested in nature's thinnest chemical fibers, and they are interested in the unique extension of spider silk, robustness, silk structure and function, as well as a spider can be secreted by six different uses of the silk (webbing silk, suspension of their own silk, used as a nursery silk, wedding silk, communication alarm silk, road