American actress slams Trump under the epidemic for his numerous lies, how many lies has Trump under the epidemic actually told?

Under this epidemic, Trump, as the supreme leader, facing the statement of the news, he always hides the actual situation, for the epidemic is how to spread and whether the United States has enough ability to face this epidemic, he always stammers with lies round this scam.

1, Trump has said that the United States has enough capacity to deal with this epidemic and does not need support from other countries. The epidemic is spreading in the world in a big way and the US has now become one of the biggest victimized areas of the epidemic. President Donald Trump has also pointed out that the United States this time to fight the epidemic even if, without the support of other countries, still be able to face very well. But the real information we have is that the United States in the treatment of the new Coronavirus mortality rate of up to 3%, from here we can see that the United States in the fight against this epidemic is not as Trump said the god-like skills.

2. Trump pointed out that the U.S. had provided $100 million in aid to China when it was fighting the outbreak. But the truth is that the US did not provide China with a single ounce of help, and they fell on their sword, claiming that China was the place where the virus originated and was obligated to apologize to the world for owing the world an explanation. From here we can see that Trump is very good at distorting the truth, and while it is true that the outbreak was first in China, that doesn't mean that the virus was created by China.

3. Trump pointed out that not a single country has offered help to the United States in this fight against the epidemic. But in fact there are many countries in Europe and the United States reached out to the United States, and as the most developed light industry in China, has also reached out to the United States, even China's subsidiary provincial capital of Taiwan also to the United States to provide masks of support, so that this is another one of Trump's untrue statements.

In summary, Trump is a man full of words, under this epidemic, he greatly hid the truth, and weave many lies to discredit the achievements of the Chinese side to fight the epidemic.