Carrots peeled and sliced (carrots thin if cut diagonally) rock sugar and 200g of water add carrot slices together simmering on high heat boil on low heat so that the carrots to absorb the sugar this time simmering 15 minutes did not completely dry out the water put on the baking rack to dry out and then baked at 120C (250K) (the door of the oven stuffed with chopsticks to prevent it from closing completely) baking time a little bit is a little bit darker in color in the picture, crispy taste, taste of baked sweet potato flavor
Baking time is a little bit short, but it's also a little bit short. a little darker, crispy texture taste of roasted sweet potatoes
Baking time a little shorter is the picture a little lighter in color, crispy texture taste of roasted sweet potatoes, sweet taste, no carrot flavor (and step one is a pot out of the carrots, perhaps because of carrots sliced thinly or thickly)
This time the water boiled for 15 minutes, but did not completely dry on the grill, then baked at 120C, 250K.