Command format of AIX:
$ command option parameters
Command: command
Options: command options, all starting with'-'.
Parameters: parameters
Command purpose
Main configuration of prtconf display system
Svmon -G view memory (4k)
Iostat 2 checks disk reading and writing (refreshed every 2 seconds);
Set -o vi calls buffers k, j, x, h, l to flip up and down, Esc.
Smit enters the management interface
Cd replacement path
Ls list file
Ls -aF lists hidden files and classifies them appropriately.
Ls -l lists the details of the file.
ls -ltr
Output more file contents to the screen.
Caterpillar displays text file contents/merged files.
Pg paginates the contents of the file and goes to the next page.
File displays file properties (executable file /ASCII/, and so on. )
A clear screen.
Mkdir create directory
Rmdir delete directory
Cp copy file
Rename and transfer mv files/directories
Rm deletes files/directories, such as rm -fr ora*
Rmdir deletes directories, such as rmdir oracle.
Df -k displays information about the file system.
Du disk usage information summary
Mount displays the mounted file system information, or mount the file system mount-rvcdrfs/dev/cd0/cdrommount/dev/lv02/u01.
Unmount the file system uninstall /cdrom.
When the Fuser-KXC/Dev/CD0 optical drive cannot be released normally,
Lsattr-E-l sys 0- command to view memory.
Env outputs user environment variables to the screen.
Id view the user's properties.
Whoami view current user name
Who views the logged-in users?
Who -r check the current system operation level.
Users prints out the currently logged-in users in one line, and each displayed user name corresponds to a login session.
If a user has multiple login sessions, his user name will be displayed the same number of times.
W displays the information of each user and the processes running in the current system.
Finally, the command searches wtmp backwards to show the users who have logged in since the file was first created.
The absolute path of the whereis command.
Passwd sets the user password.
Su change/switch user id
Lsuser ALL lists all created users.
Lsgroup ALL lists all created groups.
Smitty user management user
Mkuser creates a new user, and the default attribute value of the created user is in the file:/usr/lib/security/mkuser.default, which can only be modified by root.
Simiti group management group
Mkgroup creates a new group.
Chfn change user details
Job View Background Tasks/Processes
Fg moves the background process to the foreground.
Bg moves the current process to the background.
Grep finds a matching character/string.
Netstat -i displays network connection information and statistics.
netstat -IN
Netstat -rn displays the core routing table.
Netstat -I Network Settings Name Port Number Monitoring Port Situation
Statistics of device drivers being used by netstat -v v v.
Memory space used by netstat -m network
Netstat -D displays dropped packets.
Ifconfig -a displays network configuration information.
Uumaskdisplays the file creation mask, which is the default permission to create a new file or directory, for example #umask 664.
Date system time
Find path expression Find file, the value of the expression is:
-name/-type/-size/-mtime (modification time) /-perm (permission) /-usr/-o (or)
Uname displays operating system information.
Oslevel system version
Manual help file
Smitty clstart | clstop on | HA off
Smithy Hampton
Smitty chinet changes the configuration information of the network card.
Smitty cluster configuration cluster
Smitty hacmp configuration
/usr/sbin/cluster/clstat & amp; Display cluster information
Dbassist starts the oracle Database Configuration Assistant (dbca -9i can start the database by configuring the database).
Netasst starts the oracle Database Listener Configuration Assistant (-9i oemapp is a package followed by parameters and different tools).
Vi file editor
Action character:
Add text after the current character; X deletes a single character;
Add text at the end of the current line; Dw deleted to the current suffix;
I add text before the current character; D$ is deleted to the end of the current line;
I add text at the beginning of the current line; D0 is deleted to the beginning of the current line;
O Add a new line after the current line; Delete the current line;
O Add a new line before the current line; : 20,40d Delete lines 20 to 40;
/text query backwards? Text forwarding query
R modify the current character r to overwrite it until the [ESC] key is pressed.
S Delete the current character, and you can add characters until you press the [ESC] key.
S Delete the current line and add characters until the [ESC] key is pressed.
Yy stores the current line in the buffer.
Deadline Date (abbreviation for deadline date)
Errpt|pg Create/Display Error File
Errorclear0 clears the contents of the error log file.
Lsvg -o displays volume group information.
lsvg -l rootvg
Instafix-iv | grepaix _ ml installed filesets
Smitty tcpip tcp/ip configuration
Lsdev -Cc disk system device information (disk)
Lspv displays physical volume information in a volume group.
Lsdev -Cc pdisk displays disk information in the array.
Errclear clears the error log.
Lsps- show swap space
Swapon /dev/paging0 1 activate swap space.
Chps -a page 0 1 delete swap space.
Delete inactive swap space.
Smit mkps increases the exchange space.
Smit chps modify swap space
Varyonvg activates a volume group, such as varyonvg datavg activates datavg.
Varyoffvg closes the volume group.
/ect/ service view port
/etc/hosts computer name IP comparison table
/etc/inittab is equivalent to AUTOEXEC. BAT file of DOS.
/etc/filesystems records all file system settings.
Add and configure ports
Delete port
FTP://root @ AIX (with IE) at the client.
Route address 010188121
Route add default192.168.0.1Set the gateway (or add the gateway address in the /etc/defaultrouter file and restart the machine).
Su ROOT logs in as ROOT user;
Smitty lv adds a logical disk.
LN -s source directory target directory link
Ls -l view permissions
. /fielname runs the filename file.
Smitty clstart starts HA.
Smitty, stop it. Stop it.
. Filename means that the file name file (directory) is hidden;
cat file 1 & gt; & gt file 2 merge the file 1 into file 2.
SMIT integrated management tool
# stands for root user;
$ stands for general users;
Close-fast restart;
Smitty crjfs creates a node; mount /u05 chown -R oracle.dbs
Add file system: Add file system name /chmod/chown/mount.
Smitty jfs
Smith Lu
Smitty lvm manages logical volumes.
Smitty vg manages volume groups
Smitty chvg
Drwxrwxrwx d stands for directory,-stands for ordinary file, and r stands for link; D 421421421777 all rights.
-rwxrwxrwx 2-4: owner, 5-7: users in the same group, 8- 10 all users.
Date 02 17 142590 This sets the date and time to Saturday feb1714: 25: 00 CST1990.
Modify the /etc/hosts file when root cannot log in to its terminal, and check the host name corresponding to its IP address;
When other users can't log in to their terminals, delete the users, delete the corresponding directories under /home, and rebuild;
Smitty aio adjusting aio server
#pstat -a|grep aios|wc -l Check whether the value of aio often reaches MAX, and if MIN is increased, MAX aio.
When any user cannot log in to the graphical interface, the root node may be full. Just log in with characters in the login window to increase the space of the root node.
Ps -ef | grep cluster finds the process containing "cluster"
More /etc/passwd|grep zhxx Find the static character "zhxx"
Pe -f process view, such as # ps -f f f.
PPID time TTY time CMD
root 43626 450 14 0 20:38:58 pts/ 1 0:00-ksh
root 477 10 43626 2 2 1:08:03 pts/ 1 0:00 PS-f
User ID process ID parent process ID CPU utilization startup time console runtime command
Kill -9 **** *** * * is the process number, which can be obtained through ps.
Ping10.188.12.252-l17000-t ping17000 bytes/packet.
Crontab creates scheduled tasks (crontab -l views existing tasks, crontab -e edits or adds and deletes tasks)
0 2 * * */u05/dmbak/ means to execute the file /u05/dmbak/ at two o'clock every day.
Lsfs lists all file systems.
Lsvg -l rootvg lists rootvg's volumes.
Lsvg -p rootvg lists physical volume information.
Lsvg datavg can query the number of free physical partitions.
Smit reogvg reorganizes the volume group.
Smit importvg exports a volume group, which must be inactive;
Lspv hdisk0 shows the physical volume.
Lspv -l hdisk0 logical volume mapping
Lspv -p hdisk0 physical volume mapping
Defragfs -q /u0 1 reports the current state of the file system.
Defragfs -r /u0 1 obtains the comparison before and after the fragmentation continuous operation.
Defragfs /u0 1 performs the fragmentation continuation operation.
Fsck /u05 Check u05 file system
Xlock clock can be used to check whether the environment is normal.
chmod 777 /u02
R 2=3 is equivalent to: chmod 777 /u03.
Rsh zzyc2_sev logs on to the host on another machine.
Dgmgrl is similar to SVRMGRL(9i).
Ps -ef |grep oracle |pg View all processes of oracle users.
Kill-914206 kill14206 # process.
Kill -l displays the semaphores that can be used for the kill command.
The Killall signal deletes all processes except send.
/usr/sbin/cluster/clstat & amp; Display the status diagram of dual-machine hot standby
Log out or log out to log out.
QRT file name 1, file name 2 ... print file.
Qchk view print queue
Qcan cancels the print job
Lsps-a query exchange space, if the utilization rate exceeds 70%, it should be increased.
Set to view the defined variables;
Echo $name to see the value of the variable;
Xxx = value definition variable.
Cancel setting xxx to delete variables
`` Take the content between`` as a command and return the command result; For example, $ now = ` date` $ echo $ now.
Directly display the content between ""and ""without explanation;
""Explain the special meanings of characters such as $ and ``. Between'';
The special meaning of the ignored special characters;
$ $ represents the ID of the current process.
The name of the current shell of $0
$ # Number of parameters passed to the current shell script;
$ * parameter * is passed to the current shell script, $ 1-$9, ${ 10} ......
$? The return value of the most recent command;
$! ID number of the latest daemon;
Four operations under expr shell:
* multiplication; /divide; % for the rest; +,-such as expr (3+3)*(4-2)
Command1&; & ampCommand2 If the first command is executed successfully, run the second command;
Command 1 || command2 If the first command fails, run the second command;
Test expressions Test conditional expressions mainly include:
-f file name file exists;
-Whether the directory exists;
-r filename file exists and can be read by the current process;
The -w filename file exists and can be written by the current process;
-x filename file exists and can be run by the current process;
-n STRING string length is not zero;
-z string string length is zero;
String 1=string2 two strings are the same;
Integer 1 -eq integer2 is equal; (ne: unequal gt: greater than lt: less than le: less than or equal to ge: greater than or equal to)
if ..
then ..
other ...
The ship does not bear the loading fee.
Read xxx reads a line from standard input and assigns it to xxx variable; Read x echo $x
Because I'm here ....
While expression
Ksh script name
Script name
Path Name/Script Name Three Execution Methods of shell Scripts
# Command foreground process
# Command & background process
Nice/reNice increases/re-increases the value of Nice, thus reducing the process priority;
Nohup command and control center. When the user exits, the user's background process is still running.
# alias alias = stringnassign command alias
Unalias aliasname cancel command alias
History shows the last 16 commands.
Cal 2003/cal 2 2003 Calendar
Finger [oracle] displays user information.
Mail receives, sends and checks e-mail.
A clear screen.
Echo displays the specified information.
Wc filename calculates the number of lines, words and bytes of the specified file.
Head filename displays the file header.
The end file name shows the end of the file.
Tail -f /tmp/HACMP.out shows the startup of HACMP.
[+C]/[+D]/[+S]/[+Q]/[+U] Terminate/end file transfer/pause screen output/continue screen output/delete the current input line.
System management interface tool
Its log file/script file is saved in each user directory;
Start to view the startup log.
Chtz set a new time zone.
/etc/ environment
$HOME/。 Profile system sets the main files of user environment;
Lsuser -a id home ALL lists all users.
The information displayed when /etc/motd users log in can be edited directly, but if $HOME/. Hushlogin exists in the user's home directory, and motd will not display it;
Wall * * * * sends a * * message to all logged-in users, which will be immediately displayed on the user terminal;
/var/adm/sulog su command execution record
/var/adm/wtmp, /etc/utmp use the who command to view the login records.
Last root user |pg root user login record
Last restart | pg restart record;
/etc/passwd legal user (no password)
/etc/security Directory of security files that ordinary users cannot access.
List all devices, lsdev -Pc disks.
Smitty devices device management
Lsattr -E -l sys0 lists the configured devices.
Three file systems supported by jfs/Cdrfs/Nfs AIX
/var/adm/sulog These files are growing rapidly and need to be cleaned regularly. Cat /dev/null > file name cleaning
Du /u05 | sort -r -n Number of disk blocks occupied by files or directories.
Vmstat displays virtual memory, memory and CPU activity information;
ARP- view the ARP table of the resolution protocol.
Host Name Displays the computer name.
/etc/rc.tcpip is automatically executed when the system is started, and then the following subprocesses are executed:
-syslogd: error message log
-Port mapping: port lookup
-inetd: the main daemon of Internet service.
-Naming: Domain Name Server
-lpd: print server
-Routing or Gating: Dynamic Routing
-sendmail: mail system
-Timing: Time server
-rwhod: remote user information
-snmpd :SNMP agent process
Hostname /IP realizes the conversion between IP and machine name.
Rsh PTYC2_svc date executes the command on another host.
Lscfg displays machine configuration information.
Displays the description of the network interface.
Show adaptive description.
Detailed report of netpmon -v physical/logical resources
Ps aux queries the memory usage.
Sar [-u |-c |-a |-q |-r] [-p]110 query system load.
Traceroute10.188.182.1tracking IP.
Netpmon can monitor system events and performance about network behavior, and the consumption of CPU by network behavior.
Lsdev -C|grep Process|wc -l displays the number of CPUs.
Smitty mklv creates the original device (character device);
Smitty rmlv deletes the original device (character device);
LSLV * * * * * * * * * the name of the raw device, and displays the relevant parameters of the raw device.
/etc/default/login plus CONSOLE=/dev/console can prevent root from telnet.
SSL tool replaces telnet to improve security.
/etc/passwd.../bin/sh corresponds to. Profile.
/etc/ password ... /bin/csh corresponds to. Log in.
The system usually logs in and executes from the desktop. dtprofile。
Su-username execution. Profile.
Vmstat query memory situation
Mpstat queries CPU.
/etc/vfstab disk directory planning
Installation directory installation
Format to view the physical information of the disk
P partition
Swap [-l|s|d|a] operation swap space
Patchadd -d Patching file name Patching -p shows patching information.
sysdef -i
Share nfs -o ro /etc
hare-F NFS-o rw = usera:userb/export
Cancel sharing/etc.
/usr/dt/bin/dtconfig -d This will tell the system not to start the login server at the next reboot.
By default, FTP and TELNET under /etc/ftpusers, /etc/default/login Solaris 8 are turned off. Look at these two documents.
Sys-unconfig solaris reset
Kdmconfig configuration display
Eject the eject CD or floppy drive.