ROSA Surgical Robot: The New Choice for Precision Medicine in Spine Surgery

Spinal disorders do not necessarily require surgical treatment, such as minor disc herniation and joint hypertrophy, which can be improved with conservative treatment. Less than 20% of patients still need surgery because of nerve compression, and spine surgery is difficult, and poor operation will damage the nerves and blood vessels, resulting in limb numbness and pain, paralysis, and even death by stroke.

Screws implanted in the spine Fear of nerve damage due to errors

One of the most common spine surgeries is the implantation of screws in the spine, which used to open up large wounds in the spine, allowing the surgeon to see the spinal structure and perform the surgery, but with a long recovery time and a high risk of infection; in the era of minimally invasive surgeries, the wounds become smaller, and the spine becomes a major challenge. The newest addition to the list is the newest addition to the list, the newest addition to the list, the newest addition to the list.

Taipei Neurological Medical Center Vice President Lin Gan-Min frankly, traditional surgery is to rely on the physician's naked eye, coupled with X-ray positioning, in fact, and can not really know the internal appearance of the vertebrae, and at the same time, because there is no clear implantation of screws in the reference angle, so in case of screws locked to the outside of the vertebrae, it will injure the nerves.

No fear of breathing ups and downs ?!!! Instant 3D Image-guided surgeries are highly stable

The rise of precision medicine brings good news for spinal surgeries as well. 2019 will see the introduction of Taiwan's first ROSA robot. The first ROSA robot was introduced in Taiwan in 2019, instantly scanning the patient's spine, and through the 3D image guidance system, precisely locking the screw implantation position, with a surgical accuracy of up to 99%.

Lin Gan-Min, vice president of the ROSA robot arm navigation, can clearly see the internal appearance of the vertebrae, which allows the physician from the computer screen, to assess the most correct screws implanted in the vertebrae of the angle and channel, even if the spinal deformation of the patient is serious, can still rely on a very small wound, on the screws will be locked into the spinal column. During surgery, the anesthetized patient may still experience some respiratory depression, or the screws may be pushed up and down against the spine, but the ROSA robot is still able to track these movements without causing the screws to shift and injure the nerves.

Error value less than 0.2 Millimeters

The surgeon said, "The situation of the spine is unstable, including trauma, tumors, and joints loosening, which need to be fixed in order to help the patient's surgery, and the Rosa Rica robot can do that.

Lin Gan-Min, vice president, said that in the ROSA Reed Rosa robot arm navigation, you can clearly see the internal appearance of the vertebrae, which allows the physician from the computer screen, to assess the most correct screws implanted in the vertebrae of the angle and channel, even if the spinal deformation of the patient is serious, can still rely on a very small wound, on the screws will be locked into the spinal column.

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