(1) The temporary storage room established by the Laboratory is in the toilet.
(2) Medical waste in bags must be loaded into containers inside the temporary storage room and must not be stored in the open air.
(3) The storage room should have tight closure measures, with specialized management, and non-staff members are not allowed to touch the medical waste.
(4) There are anti-rodent, anti-mosquito and anti-roach safety measures.
(5) Indoor containers must be leak-proof and anti-rainwater washout.
(6) Containers to avoid direct sunlight.
(7) Outdoor warning signs for medical waste and indoor warning signs prohibiting smoking and eating are clearly provided.
(8) Pathological waste is antisepticized by the laboratory when it is temporarily stored.
(9) The indoor area is regularly cleaned and disinfected with 0.2% peroxyacetic acid or chlorine-containing disinfectant sprays and wipes.