Nemko was founded in 1933, and was initially committed to compulsory safety testing and certification of electronic products sold in the Norwegian market. Starting from 1990, with Norway's accession to the European Economic Area and the adoption of a unified EU CE directive scheme, the traditional compulsory certification system was abolished in Norway, Nemko was transformed into an independent testing and certification institution for mechanical and electrical products, and at the same time, it began to expand its branches and service scope around the world. In 20 12, Nemko has gradually developed into a global independent testing and certification institution for mechanical and electrical products, headquartered in Norway.
Nemko has been designated as a competitive notification organization for low-voltage instructions, electromagnetic compatibility instructions, mechanical instructions, medical equipment instructions, explosion-proof equipment instructions, telecommunications equipment instructions, automobile instructions, building materials instructions, noise instructions, etc. Nemko is also a founding member of multinational certification schemes, such as emko scheme in northern Europe, CCA and HAR scheme in Europe, international CB scheme and CB-FCS scheme. Nemko Canada is authorized as TCB by the FCC of the United States, and Canadian IC is authorized as CCB. Nemko can directly issue certificates such as Nemko mark, GS mark, CCA mark, ENEC mark and American FCC or Canadian IC certificate.