According to the agreement signed by Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan on October 18, 2010, "On the ***same guidelines and rules for the technical regulation of Kazakhstan*** and the State, Belarus*** and the State, as well as of the Russian Federation," the Commission of the Customs Union is committed to the development of harmonized standards and requirements to ensure the safety of the products, one certification , common to all three countries, which resulted in the formation of the Russian-Belarusian-Kazakh Customs Union CU-TR certification. The unified logo is EAC.
Introduction of the certification
Russian сертификат соответствия/декларация о соответствии технических регламентов Таможенного Союза , abbreviation: сертификат/де кларация ТР TC
English: technical regulations of the Customs Union conformity certificates / declarations of conformity (abbreviated as Custom Union TR Certificate, or CU-TR, CU certification), the Customs Union TR certificate is also called EAC certification because the symbol is EAC.
In order to make trade between the Union countries easier, but also in order to avoid the import and export of products in this customs union of technical regulations barriers, the Customs Union legislation issued by the mandatory Customs Union TR Technical Regulations certificate, Customs Union certificate Customs Union Technical Regulations certificate: is the only proof that the product complies with the technical regulations of the Customs Union, the only proof that the product complies with the technical regulations of the Customs Union. Customs Union Technical Regulations certificate: the only proof that the product complies with the technical regulations of the Customs Union, the certificate applies to the whole territory of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan.
From February 15, 2013, all products belonging to the scope of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan Customs Union (CU) certification, mandatory application for CU-TR certification. As of March 15, 2013, Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus have stopped issuing GOST certificates for their old regulations.
Certification development history
- In 1995, Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, U.S.A., Turkey and Kyrgyzstan signed an agreement on the establishment of the Customs Union, the creation of a unified customs territory, the abolition of customs controls and the unification of economic space
(Единоеэкономическое пространство) on the basis of which the Eurasian Economic*** Community (ЕврАзЭС).
- In 2007 Vladimir Putin declared at the summit of the leaders of the CIS-CSTO-Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC) that Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan would establish a Customs Union (Таможенныйсоюз) and a supranational commission with unified customs control within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC).
- On December 12, 2008 the three countries established a supranational body - the Commission of the Customs Union (Комиссия Таможенного союза).
- In June 2009, the three countries also specified the timetable and territorial scope of the official operation of the Customs Union.
- On November 27, 2009, the Intergovernmental Commission of the Eurasian Economic*** Community (Межгосударственные Советы) (the supreme body of the Russian-Belarusian-Kazakh Customs Union
), which meets in Minsk, signed a package of agreements defining the establishment of the Customs Union within the framework of the Eurasian Economic*** Community.
- On January 1, 2010, the Customs Union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan was launched, with the introduction of uniform import tariffs (with a transitional period for some goods), and on July 6, the Customs Code of the Customs Union came into force.
- On July 1, 2011 a unified customs space was created between the three countries and customs borders were abolished.
Product range
Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus have their own system of GOST standards. After the formation of the Customs Union, a large number of European and International Standards Committee (ISC) ISO standards are quoted in the member countries of the Union. Some of the standards in the citation process to retain the original European standards or ISO standard number.
According to the Union Committee Resolution No. 526 of January 28, 2011, there are 61 categories of product catalogs that need CU-TR certification. 2013 February 15, the beginning of the mandatory implementation in batches. The list of specific certified products is as follows:
1) Machinery and equipment;
2) Low voltage equipment;
3) High voltage equipment;
4) Equipment operating on gaseous fuels;
5) Equipment operated under high voltage;
6) Pressure equipment;
7) Explosion-proof equipment, equipment operated in explosive atmospheres ;
8)Amusement rides, sports equipment, children's playgrounds;
9)Elevators, elevators;
10)Wheeled vehicles and accessories;
11)Tractor machinery and accessories;
12)Agricultural machinery and accessories;
13)Forestry machinery and accessories;
14)Buses and fittings;
15)Railway means of transportation, including high-speed railways and fittings;
16)Metro cars and fittings;
17)Light railways and streetcars;
18)Ships, objects of sea transportation;
19)Objects of inland waterway transportation;
20)Architectural hardware;
22) building materials and construction products;
23) rail transportation infrastructure, including high-speed rail;
24) underground infrastructure;
25) road vehicles and accessories;
26) fireworks, firecrackers, and products containing pyrotechnic components;
27) explosives for civil use and products containing them;
28)Light industrial production (ready-made cloth, carpets and rugs, knitting, clothing and leather, leather shoes, fur and fur products).
30)children's products;
31)children's skin care products;
32)tableware, kitchenware;
33)hygiene products;
34)perfumes and cosmetics;
35)oral hygiene;
36)packaging products;
37)personal protection products and equipment;
38)fire safety products and equipment;
39)fire extinguishing agents;
40)medical devices and equipment;
41)bathroom products;
42)furniture products;
43)chemical products;
44)synthetic detergents;
45)Household chemicals;
46)Paints and solvents;
48)Plant protection products;
49)Gasoline, diesel and marine fuel oils, aviation fuel engines and fuel oils;
50)Alternative fuels;
51)Lubricants, oils and specialty oils;
52)water, gas, heat, and electrical energy systems and equipment;
53)systems and equipment for petroleum and refinery products;
55)alcoholic beverages;
56)feeds and feed additives;
58)tobacco products;
59)hunting and Sporting weapons, ammunition;
60)Telecommunications facilities;
61)Coal and its products.