Radioactivity detector of radioactivity on the human body

In large doses of irradiation, radioactivity on the human body and animals there is some kind of damage effect. For example, in 400 rad rad (radiation absorption) irradiation, the irradiated people have 5% death; if the irradiation of 650 rad, then 100% of people die. Exposure to a dose of 150 rad or less, the mortality rate is zero, but it is not harmless, and it takes up to 20 years for some symptoms to manifest themselves. Radioactivity can also damage the dose unit of genetic material, mainly in the cause of gene mutation and chromosomal aberrations, so that one generation or even several generations of victims.

Radiation through the human body, can interact with the cells, affecting cell division, so that the cells are severely damaged, so that there is death, cell reduction and loss of function.

It can cause cells to produce abnormal reproductive functions, resulting in carcinogenic and mutagenic effects. It can cause structural deformities and functional abnormalities in the fetus. Long-term chronic exposure of the human body to higher doses than the permissible level can lead to various cancers, cataracts, infertility, and even early death.

After the human body has been irradiated with a certain dose, there will be an organic effect, which is usually manifested as headache, dizziness, loss of appetite, sleep disorders and even death.