CAD Tips and Tricks - External References and Blocks

External referencing is attaching an external drawing to the current drawing without changing the contents of the current drawing file.

Attaching a drawing as an external reference. If you attach a drawing that contains an attached external reference, the attached external reference will appear in the current drawing. Attached external references, like blocks, can be nested. If another user is currently editing this external reference, the attached drawing will be determined by the latest saved drawing.

1. Click the External Reference button:

DWG Reference

2. In the Select Reference File dialog box, select the file you want to attach, then click Open. Open".

3. In the External Reference dialog box, under Reference Type, select Attached.

Specify the insertion point, scale, and rotation angle. Select Specify on Screen to use a fixed-point device. "The Additional Type includes all nested external references.


4. Click OK.