Plastic cup pc material safety

1, pc material cup is relatively safe, pc this material itself is non-toxic, it is bisphenol A into PC material if the conversion is incomplete, so the high temperature may release bisphenol A toxic. Therefore, can not be used for a long time with its high temperature water. In the use of pc cups and other plastic containers, we must strictly according to the instructions for food, with the correct method of storage and disinfection, pay attention to avoid repeated use of PC products have been aging or broken;

2, pc cups are not strictly glass cups so safe, in the usual drinking water process, it is recommended to use glass cups, food-grade stainless steel cups or ceramic cups and so on. However, although the glass cup does not contain chemicals, and easy to clean, but because of the strong thermal conductivity of the glass material, easy for users to accidentally scald themselves, if the water temperature is too high, may also lead to the cup burst, need to try to avoid filling the hot water;

3, PC is short for polycarbonate, is the molecular chain containing carbonate-based polymer. Colorless and transparent, heat-resistant, impact-resistant, flame retardant BI level, in the ordinary use of temperature have good mechanical properties. Due to the structural specificity of polycarbonate, it has become the fastest growing general engineering plastic among the five major engineering plastics. Mainly used in the glass assembly industry, automotive industry and electronics, electrical appliances industry, followed by industrial machinery parts, CD-ROMs, packaging, computers and other office equipment, medical and health care, film, leisure and protective equipment, etc.;

4, pc material is a chemical compound, pc can be used as windows and doors, pc laminate is widely used in banks, embassies, detention centers and public **** place of protection window PC laminate is widely used as window protection windows in banks, embassies, detention centers and public **** places. pc is used in aircraft hatch covers, lighting equipment, industrial safety baffles and bullet-proof glass. pc bottles (containers) are transparent, lightweight, good impact resistance, and are resistant to a certain degree of high temperatures and corrosive solutions for washing, and are used as recyclable bottles (containers).