Apple 1 1 battery drops too fast. What happened?

Brand model: iPhone 1 1

System: IOS 16.0.3

Apple 1 1 battery drops too fast. What happened? Let's share with you the reasons why Apple 1 1 battery drops too fast and the solutions.

The battery of Apple 1 1 drops too fast, probably because the battery health is too low. Secondly, the extremely low temperature will also cause the battery to die quickly, so keep the equipment warm. It may also be because there are too many functions turned on, so users can turn on the battery charging optimization, turn down the screen brightness, turn off the location service, and turn off the background App refresh to alleviate the problem that Apple 1 1 battery is fast dead.

Method 1: Turn on and optimize battery charging.

Open the phone settings and find the battery to enter.

After entering the page, click the button on the right side of the battery health and optimize battery charging to open.

Method 2: Turn down the screen brightness.

Open phone settings, and then click Display and Brightness.

Finally, turn down the screen brightness.

Method 3: Turn off the location service.

Open phone settings, and then click Privacy and Security.

Select Location Services, click Close Location Services to open a pop-up window, and then select Close.

Method 4: Turn off the background App refresh.

Open phone settings, and then click General.

Select background application refresh to enter the background application refresh page, and check Close.

Then go back to the desktop, slide up from the bottom of the phone for 1 sec, draw the program, and close all background programs.

Finally, press and hold the power button and the volume plus key, slide the slider to turn it off, and then press and hold the power button to turn it on.


Method 1: Turn on and optimize battery charging.

Enter the set battery page.

Enter the battery health opening to optimize battery charging.

Method 2: Turn down the screen brightness.

Input settings display and brightness.

Adjust the screen brightness

Method 3: Turn off the location service.

Enter Settings Privacy and Security.

Enter location service, close location service, close location service.

Method 4: Turn off the background App refresh.

General access settings

Turn off background application refresh.

Slide the bottom up to close the daemon.

Press the key combination to close and restart.