This means that although these foods are relatively low in nutrients, they are high in ingredients that promote human weight gain. For example, the content of fat, sugar and starch is high, so it is not easy to feel full when eating. The so-called "eat more when it tastes good". What about the result of eating more? Of course, people are prone to get fat. (3) Not conducive to the prevention of chronic diseases-
Always eat a lot of sugar and refined starch, blood sugar rises rapidly, which is easy to promote human aging and is not conducive to preventing diabetes. Eating oily food often, especially fried food and crispy food, is prone to dyslipidemia. In addition, oil, sugar and refined starch will all promote obesity. When people get fat, various chronic diseases will naturally follow. There is a word called "emptyenergy" abroad, which is similar to "junk food". This means that this kind of food makes people fat with high efficiency, but unfortunately, there are few other nutrients, neither protein nor vitamins, nor calcium, iron and iron ... The result is puffiness. This kind of thing can't be used to raise pigs and chickens-more fat and less lean meat. If you are sick, I'm afraid it's even harder to raise people.