Teenagers are growing and developing, so they must eat more calcium to supplement their demand for calcium.
Calcium is an important component of bones and teeth. Calcium exists in bones in the form of calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate. Whether there is calcium or not, the development of bones will be affected. Calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium ions keep a certain proportion in the body, which can inhibit muscle and nerve excitement. If calcium intake is insufficient, it is easy to increase the excitability of nerves and muscles and easily cause convulsions.
Calcium can also activate enzymes and enhance human metabolism. Calcium is also an important factor in blood coagulation, which can promote blood coagulation. If a person's intake of calcium is insufficient, so that there is calcium deficiency in the blood, when a certain part of the body is damaged, it may be bleeding.
In short, teenagers should eat more foods rich in calcium, such as milk and various dairy products, chicken, shellfish, bean products, hawthorn, oranges, hard fruits, etc., in order to grow taller, replace all their teeth and avoid other calcium deficiency diseases.