In food, there is an element that plays an important role in people's health-vitamins. Vitamins are divided into A, B, C and D, and different vitamins have different functions. Vitamin A is usually found in red and black foods, such as carrots and black beans. Its main function is to protect eyes, which can be used to protect eyesight and treat night blindness. Fruits and vegetables often contain vitamin C, which is beneficial to the treatment of scurvy and skin diseases. There is also a story about this discovery: a ship drifted at sea for a few days, and many sailors got scurvy, a very serious disease, and were abandoned on a desert island. After that, some sailors ate lemons and didn't expect scurvy to disappear. Spread the message of 100. Scientists found that lemon contains a lot of vitamin C, which is used to treat scurvy. Vitamins B and D have many functions, so I won't say much here. Of course, we should pay attention to: don't mix it with some foods to avoid danger. If shrinkage and vitamin C can't be eaten at the same time, crabs can't insist on eating together ... Write it down quickly.