The grey theory of mental health and pure white in psychological service types are not included.

The grey theory of mental health and pure white in psychological service types do not include neurosis such as obsessive-compulsive disorder or phobia.

According to the grey theory, pure white areas represent completely healthy and adaptable people. Neuroses such as obsessive-compulsive disorder or phobia belong to the dark gray area and need to seek professional psychological counseling or treatment.

Grey theory is an applied mathematics discipline that studies the phenomenon of unclear and uncertain information. Traditional system theory mostly studies those systems with sufficient information. For some information-poor systems, the black box method has also achieved relatively successful experience.

However, some systems with partly known and partly unknown internal information have not been fully studied. This blank area has become the birthplace of grey system theory. Therefore, the grey system theory mainly studies the problem of "small sample and poor information" with clear extension and unclear connotation.

In the objective world, there are no white systems (information is completely clear) and black systems (information is completely unclear), only gray systems. Therefore, taking this rich grey system as the research object, the theory of grey system has been further developed.

Basic viewpoints of grey theory:

1. Grey system theory holds that whether there is incomplete information in the system depends on the level of cognition, information and decision-making. The uncertainty of low-level system is equivalent to the certainty of high-level system, so we should make full use of known information to reveal the law of the system. The grey system theory has a higher level of dealing with problems and a broader field of vision.

2. We should study the system from the inside of things and from the internal structure and parameters of the system. The connotation of grey system is more specific.

3. In social and economic systems, there are usually random factors, which brings great difficulties to system analysis. However, the grey system theory regards the random quantity as a grey quantity that changes within a certain range, although there are irregular interference components. After some technical treatment, its regularity can always be found.