Healthy teacher Li

Headache and dizziness are the most common head symptoms, which almost everyone has encountered. Although we know that the head problem is no joke, we often let our guard down.

Chen Zan, deputy chief physician of neurosurgery department of xuanwu hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University, reminds everyone that if all headaches and dizziness are regarded as "little pranks unrelated to health", they will suffer a big loss one day.

Serious illness always appears suddenly when people are unprepared. I once met a patient. He is a retired teacher, surnamed Li. He attaches great importance to health and quality of life. Although he is 65 years old and still suffers from high blood pressure, looking at him, you will feel that this disease will not bring any impact on his life. He thinks his body is still very strong. But soon, Mr. Li suffered the biggest health crisis in his life and passed by death. That morning, Mr. Li went to the fitness area of the community to exercise as usual, chatting with his neighbor Liu while exercising.

After a while, Liu felt that something was wrong with Miss Li. Teacher Li has a good eloquence. On weekdays, she speaks methodically and clearly. But that day's speech included gangsters, and he often stopped to become speechless. Liu joked with him, "I haven't seen you for two days, so I won't take it."

In the past, Mr. Li would pick up this conversation and make a few jokes, but not this time. Miss Li found a place to sit down, supported her head with her hands, and her face was ugly. Seeing that Mr. Li was not feeling well, Uncle Liu quickly called his wife.

After a while, Mr. Li's wife came over and asked Mr. Li in a panic. Mr. Li complained of dizziness. My wife didn't know what to do, but Liu called 120 and took Miss Li to the hospital.

Thanks to Liu, it turned out that Miss Li had a stroke. If it is not delivered in time, people will be in danger. Speaking of it, middle-aged and elderly people with high blood pressure and diabetes must be especially careful of stroke. Once dizziness, vomiting, slurred speech, numbness of one limb, paralysis of hands and feet, decreased vision, nystagmus, occipital pain and other symptoms appear, the possibility of stroke should be considered immediately.

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