Just because you missed a few exercises doesn't mean you're finished. Set achievable goals, and if you hit a low point, go back to where you left off.
As for consistency, I wrote down a timetable that I tried to follow. I do all the training at home. Some days I finished, and some days I didn't. It doesn't matter. I like exercising in the morning, so I put on my sports clothes as soon as I wake up. This will help me get into shape.
2. Fear of failure: Whether you want to lose weight, build muscles, run a marathon or any other goal, you need to work hard. We are so eager to achieve our goal at once that we forget the process of achieving it. Because we were too eager, we expected immediate results, so when they didn't appear, we gave up.
Progress is progress, no matter how small.
When I was training with my first child, I remember experiencing many different excuses, such as "I just gave birth to a child", "I became a mother", "My body has changed" and "no one else needs to rest". I gave myself many reasons in case I failed.
What changed me was my mentality. Who cares if I just gave birth? Who cares if your friends reach their goals before you? Because guess what? This is not about them, but about you and your journey. What will happen if you fail, or if you fail to achieve your goal? You keep going, you keep trying, you keep trying until you reach your destination! !
3. Eat: To be honest, I like eating, so I am nicknamed "Fat Man". This is a very sensitive topic because people deal with different problems. Personally, I don't believe in dieting, I believe in balance! I like cooking and exploring in the kitchen.
I want to eat healthily, but I don't know what to eat/do. Have you ever felt this way? My advice to you is PINTEREST! There are many amazing recipes and ideas in it, from which you can benefit. Write down your shopping list before going to the store to avoid impulse shopping. Be patient with yourself, because you are trying to figure out what you and your family will like. Again, many times we just give up, because things may not be what we want. Enjoy the process, instead of putting pressure and restrictions on yourself.
We like to eat snacks at home! One of my biggest shortcomings is snacks, haha, so we should make sure that we have healthy snacks at hand. Don't be too hard on yourself, you can do it! !