Evaluate one's health status from eight systems of human body.

I'll give you a hint:

Digestive system: mouth, teeth, tongue, esophagus, stomach, intestine, liver, gallbladder, blood, heart, blood vessels, flesh and blood, urine. Responsible for the intake and digestion of food, so that we can get nutrients such as sugar, fat, protein and vitamins;

Nervous system: brain, nerve, fur, movement, thinking. Responsible for processing external information, so that we can respond to external discourse urgently and well, including learning and other important activities are also completed in the nervous system;

Respiratory system: nasal cavity, trachea, lungs and heart. Gas exchange place, so that the human body can get fresh oxygen;

Circulatory system: blood vessels and lymphatic system. Responsible for the transportation of oxygen and nutrition, the excretion of waste and carbon dioxide, and immunization activities;

Exercise system: bones, muscles, heart and lungs. Responsible for physical activities, let us make various postures.

Endocrine system: various glands. Mediation of physiological activities, so that all organs and tissues work in harmony.

Reproductive system: genitals. Officials are responsible for reproductive activities and maintaining secondary sexual characteristics.

Urinary system: bladder. Responsible for excreting waste in blood and producing urine.

You write according to these.