What effect will hair "soften" without straightening? Barber: The result is not what you expected.

What's the effect of hair softening and not straightening? Some people can't help but think of straightening when they say softening. In fact, softening has many uses. Only by understanding the purpose of softening can we understand the effect of softening hair without straightening.

First of all, I'll tell you what softening is, and you'll know that your hair is only softened and not straightened.

What is softening?

Softening is a technical means to correct hair before curly and straight hair. The shape of our hair is controlled by disulfide bonds. In order to change the shape of hair, disulfide bonds must be treated first to achieve the desired hairstyle effect. To change the arrangement and combination of disulfide bonds, it is necessary to soften the hair.

Softening can cut off disulfide bonds in hair. Without the support of disulfide bonds, hair will be in a free state and then curled or straightened as needed. This is a hair treatment process that barber shops must go through before using ion to perm curly hair or straight hair. It can also be said that softening is only a semi-finished product.

Hair only softens without straightening, just like building a house without steel bars, which may collapse and deform at any time. After softening, some disulfide bonds in hair are cut off and become monosulfide bonds, and the structure of hair becomes very unstable. When preheating, it may be deformed by water, and the hair will appear in various unpredictable conditions, which may become more stiff and short-tempered.

What is the function of softening?

As mentioned above, the purpose of softening is to cut off about 45% of disulfide bonds in hair, and then curl, heat and shape as needed, so that the cut monosulfide bonds in hair can be reunited in a curled state, and the hair will become curly forever. Straightening is the same principle. After the softened hair is straightened by high-temperature splint, the hair becomes straighter and more shiny.

If you don't straighten your hair after softening, although it will straighten, this straight hair state is very unstable. If you soften your hair, don't straighten it or perm it. You just want it to soften. It is suggested to blow it straight with a hair dryer after softening, and then set it with a setting agent, and the effect will become stable. Because the styling agent can balance the pH of hair, make the hair structure and hair scales closed, and the state of hair is more stable, so there is no need to worry about the hair being easily deformed.

Softening without straightening or styling is not a problem for healthy, thick and elastic hair, but the effect is unpredictable for soft or damaged hair. Because healthy hair itself is elastic, it will not be easily deformed without straightening, but the damaged thin and soft hair itself has loose structure and insufficient elasticity, and it will basically not achieve the effect of straightening without straightening and shaping. Even if it is straight at that time after softening, it will soon return to the state before softening, even more impetuous and dry.

What hairstyle is suitable for softening and not straightening?

Hair that only softens and does not straighten is suitable for curly hair. By softening hair, it will become straight even if it is not straightened. Because the hair has been permed, the internal structure has changed, and the disulfide bond will be cut twice because of the softening of curly hair, or even a small part will be lost. Hair will be straightened even if it is not straightened, but it is unnatural stiffness and straightness, which is incomparable to normal straight hair or straight hair after straightening.

Softening only does not straighten, in addition to treating curly hair into straight hair, softening can also be used to deal with some rough hair and irregular hairline growth.

For example, boys' hair is thick, hard and elastic. It is easy to blow hair after cutting short hair, and it is not easy to take care of the styling. Softening can weaken the hardness and elasticity of hair, which is convenient for styling and can also make the blown hair more obedient. For boys with blown sideburns, you can also soften your hair to make it docile. This method is also called hair correction, which is only soft, not straight and not curly. The purpose is to make the hair obedient.

However, it is not recommended to soften sofa hair, natural curly hair, soft hair or seriously damaged hair, because this kind of hair is only softened and the hair quality can not achieve the required effect. The fluffy sofa is more fluffy, the naturally curly hair is more curly, and the soft and damaged hair is more dry and short-tempered.