Rumors will make many people believe, one of the reasons is that you have no ability to judge rumors. For example, I once read a news report that a man went to the hospital for an operation and the doctor put the patient's kidney back because he thought it was still healthy during the operation. In addition, he told the patient that his kidney did not move, but a few months later, when the patient went to another hospital for examination, he found that his kidney was gone. At this time, the media reports made many people condemn the doctor and even let him die, but in fact it was because of kidney atrophy, and finally it was found out. But as an ordinary person, if you don't have this knowledge, you will believe the victim. Because you don't have the knowledge to refute his point of view, you will believe and accept rumors. But in fact, this is just a false information.
In addition, rumors can make people believe that there is something true in rumors. Others just see the surface of this matter and make a decision directly, without considering what the truth behind it is and why the truth is like this. If you don't fully understand the facts, you will think that this person is right because of one side's one-sided words, but at this time, maybe you only believe rumors.